    Design of Cuprammonia and Resurgent gases Reflux Column
    Abstract:The media of this design of cuprammonia and resurgent gases column is cuprammonia and resurgent gases, and it’s design temperature is 100℃, design pressure is 0.18MPa.The diameter of column is 1400mm,and height is 11.48m,which is packing layer and has 1 trays. Column is an important process equipment, which is widely used in petrochemical, pharmacy, food, environment protection and so on. The cuprammonia and resurgent gases column is to use cuprammonia wash off a small amount of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide contained in the regeneration gas. Based on process conditions,Q345R was chosen as column material. Stiffening was made at open pore region and stiffening rings was chosen. The strength and the stability of the column were checked including calculating mass loads, self-vibrations cycles, earthquake loads, earthquake moments, wind loads, wind moments. The axial stresses in cylindrical shell and skirt support were checked. The strength and the stability of the column were eligible. And by comparing different components, davits, sag, trays, tubes, flanges, flats and ladders were designed and chosen. Finally,Fluent6.3.26 which is used to analysis has been used for check the liquid.

    KeyWords:Packed tower; Cuprammonia; Resurgent gass; Prseesur; fluent
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 概述    1
    1.2 塔设备的结构设计    1
    1.3 塔设备的强度和稳定性设计    2
    2 材料选择和结构设计    3
    2.1筒体、封头、裙座材料的确定    3
    2.2 塔全高的确定    3
    2.3 内压圆筒设计与计算    3
    2.4 封头的设计与计算    5
    2.4.1 封头类型的比较    5
    2.4.2 封头类型的确定    5
    2.4.3 封头参数确定    5
    2.4.4 封头厚度计算    5
    2.5 裙座的结构与焊接设计    6
    2.5.1 裙座的结构设计    6
    2.5.2 焊接形式设计    7
    2.6 进出口接管设计    7
    2.7 开孔和开孔补强    9
    2.7.1 开孔最大直径要求    10
    2.7.2 允许不另行补强的最大开孔直径    10
    2.7.3 液体进口补强    11
    2.7.4 再生气进口补强    12
    2.7.5 气体出口补强    14
    2.7.6 人孔补强    16
    2.8 本章总结    18
    3 强度和稳定性计算    19
    3.1 考核缺陷对压力容器安全性的影响    19
    3.2 塔器质量计算    19
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