
    摘要为获取金属在高速高压环境下的摩擦系数,设计了一种高速摩擦系数测量装置。在分 析高速摩擦测量装置的设计要求及应用背景的基础上,提出了一种通过同时测量摩擦表 面间法向力及切向力的方法实现高速摩擦系数测量。介绍了高速摩擦测量装置的工作原 理和结构组成,确定了摩擦测量装置结构参数及加工材料,分析了测量应变片的粘贴位 置,也对传感器进行了分析与设计。使用 SolidWorks 软件进行三维建模和 workbench 有 限元分析软件对测力部分和摩擦组件部分进行仿真分析及强度校核。

    仿真分析表明,在极限载荷加载的情况下,测量装置危险截面处的应力与应变皆在 理论计算的载荷范围内;装置的变形皆在正常弹性范围内,满足之前的设计要求,可为 高速摩擦系数测量装置设计提供参考。70126

    毕业论文关键词 摩擦系数 测量装置 高速高压 仿真分析

    毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

    Title Design of high speed friction coefficient measuring device for metal materials

    Abstract In order to obtain the friction coefficient of metal under high speed and high pressure,a high speed friction coefficient measuring device is designed. Based on the analysis of the design requirements and application background of the high speed friction measuring device, a method for measuring the high speed friction coefficient by measuring the normal force and tangential force at the same time is proposed.The working principle and structure of the high speed friction measuring device are introduced, and the structural parameters and processing materials of the friction measuring device were determined,analysis and design of sensor,the sticking position of strain gauge is analyzed.And then use Solidworks 3D modeling , then use workbench of the ANSYS to simulation analysis for the measurement devices .

    Simulation analysis shows that, In the case of ultimate load, the stress and strain of the dangerous section of the measuring device are all in the range of theoretical calculation. Deformation of the device is in the normal elastic range,they satisfy the design requirements . It can be provided for the design of high speed friction coefficient measuring device to refer .

    Keywords Friction coefficient Measuring device High speed and high pressure Simulation analysis

    本科毕业设计说明书 第 I 页

    1 引言 1

    1.1 课题研究意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 2

    1.3 本文研究内容 3

    2 摩擦测量装置的设计 5

    2.1 摩擦系数基础理论 5

    2.2 测量装置的设计要求 5

    2.3 摩擦测量装置的材料选取 6

    2.4 摩擦测量装置的结构设计 7

    3 测量装置的仿真分析 14

    3.1 有限单元法及 ANSYS 与 workbench 简介

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