
    随着坦克模型市场的发展,动态可操控大比例坦克模型具有一定的市场需求,但产 品用途单一且产品性能不完善。论文首先针对市场上产品的缺点,讨论了一种比例合适、 采用汽油机为主动力、使用遥控操作的动态可操控大比例坦克模型的总体方案。然后, 论文基于 SolidWorks 三维造型平台设计完成了坦克模型的结构。其次,论文采用单片机 完成了炮塔单元的控制电路的硬件结构和软件的设计。最后,论文完成了整个坦克模型 样机的安装和调试。本论文所采用的设计方案解决了坦克模型用途单一、运行时间短和 人力操控带来的人身安全等问题。70128

    关键词 大比例坦克模型 汽油机 遥控 单片机控制

    毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

    Title Design and Fabrication of a Large Scale Tank Model by

    Using Gasoline Engine and Remote Control


    With the development in the market of tank models,there is a need for a Dynamically controllable large scale tank. However, the productscategories in the market are single and the performance of the products are incomplete. In the paper, the overall scheme about a tank model, which has a rational large scale, is driven by using gasoline engine, and can be controlled by using remote controller, was discussed first. Then, the paper completed the structural design of the tank based on the 3D design platform of SoliWorks. The hardware and software design of the control unit which is made of the single chip microcomputer about the turret unit in the tank were accomplished. Finally, the paper completed the fabrication and debugging of the prototype. In this paper, the design scheme used could solve issues concerned with single purpose, short running time and safety in manual operation.

    Keywords Large scale tank model Gasoline engine Remote control  the single chip microcomputer control

    本科毕业设计说明书 第 I  页

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景 1

    1.2 课题国内外研究现状 2

    1.3 大比例坦克模型研究现状分析 3

    1.4 本课题主要研究内容 4

    2 车体单元设计 6

    2.1 车体单元总体方案设计 6

    2.2 车体承载结构设计 6

    2.3 动力传动系统设计 9

    2.4 履带设计 17

    2.5 车体轮组及悬挂设计 20

    2.6 车体附件和电气线路布置设计 22

    2.7 车体单元外壳外观设计 22

    3 炮塔单元设计 24

    3.1 炮塔单元总体方案设计

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