
    摘要航空制造业迅猛发展,民用大飞机需求量不断增加,各类难加工材料和零件不断涌 现,15-5PH 不锈钢的铰链零件便是其中之一。本文对铰链零件展开了加工研究,从零件 中提取了两个特征件:直径 2.7mm 孔与圆弧面进行切削实验。采用正交实验法选择切削 参数,对实验结果进行了极差分析,分别分析切削参数对孔径及圆弧面表面粗糙度的影 响。分别建立了孔径和表面粗糙度的指数预测模型并基于遗传算法和粒子群算法分别对 直径 2.7mm 孔和圆弧面精加工参数进行优化,对优化后参数进行了实验验证。70129

    毕业论文关键词 民用大飞机,铰链,正交实验,极差分析,指数预测模型,切削参数优化

    毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

    Title Study on the technological parameters of the hinge of the large civil aircraft


    Aviation manufacturing industry is developing rapidly.The demand for civil aircraft is increasing continuously.Various kinds of parts which are difficult to process have come forth.Hinge made by 15-5PH is one kind of them.This article made experiments on the hinge.We chose two basic feature parts:the diameter 2.7mm hole and the circular arc surface.Through orthogonal experimental design,the cutting experiments are conducted.By range analysis,analysis of the influence tendency and degree of cutting parameters on the cutting results(the hole diameter deviation, the surface roughness) is obtained.The index predication models are established.The cutting parameters are optimized by genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization algorithm.

    Keywords large civil aircraft,hinge,orthogonal experiment,range analysis,index predication model,cutting parameter optimization

    本科毕业设计说明书 第 I 页

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 1

    1.3 论文主要内容 2

    2 铰链基础特征件的切削实验研究 4

    2.1 引言 4

    2.2 铰链零件及特征件选择 4

    2.3 实验设计 5

    2.3.1 实验设计方法的选择 5

    2.3.2 实验条件 5

    2.4 Ø2.7mm 孔钻削加工实验 6

    2.4.1 实验参数选择 6

    2.4.2 实验数据及极差分析 6

    2.4.3 切削参数对孔径的影响规律 7

    2.5 圆弧面加工实验 9

    2.5.1 实验参数的选择 9

    2.4.2 实验数据及极差分析

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