
    摘要随着现代化工业的发展,大量的机器设备进入到人们的生活中,这些设备在给人们的日 常生活和工作带来巨大便利的同时,其运转时所发出的噪声不仅会对环境产生极大的污染, 还会严重影响到人们的身心健康,学会测量并控制噪声已成为相当重要的一个课题。70122

    本文旨在根据液压泵噪声测量和机械臂的研究现状,对现有的噪声测量系统进行分析, 确定用于噪声测量的两自由度机械臂结构设计总体方案。分析机械臂在其运动范围内的极限 工况,确定机械臂的结构选型和元器件选型。运用三维绘图软件 SolidWorks 对机械臂的各个 零件进行实体建模并进行装配,做出机械臂整体结构的三维结构图和二维工程图。运用有限 元分析软件 SolidWorks SimulationXpress 对其关键部件做出有限元分析。

    毕业论文关键词 噪声测量 机械臂 结构 有限元分析

    毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

    Title The structure design of a 2-degree-of-freedom manipulator  used for noise measurement


    With the development of modern industry,a large number of machines come into people’s live. These devices bring great convenience to people’s daily life and work. However, noise emitted during operation not only produces great pollution on the environment, but also seriously affects people’s physical and mental health. Learning how to measure and control noise has become a topic of considerable interest.

    This paper aims to analyze the existing noise measurement system according to research status of noise measurement and mechanical arms, and determine the overall scheme of structural design of a 2-degree-of-freedom manipulator used for noise measurement. At the same time, through analyzing the manipulator’s conventional working conditions within its range of motion, the paper selects the appropriate structure and components of the manipulator.Besides, by using the three-dimensional drawing software SolidWorks , the solid modeling and assembly of each part of the arm is finished, and the three-dimensional structure and two-dimensional drawings of the manipulator is made. Finally, the paper makes the finite analysis of the arm’s key components by utilizing the finite element analysis software SolidWorks SimulationXpress.

    Keywords  noise measurement, manipulator, structure , finite element analysis

    本科毕业设计说明书 第 I 页

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 引言 1

    1.2 课题研究意义 2

    1.3 国内外发展现状 3

    1.4 主要研究内容 4

    2 机械臂结构方案 6

    2.1 概述 6

    2.2 机械臂结构选型 6

    2.3 本章小结 9

    3 噪声测量用机械臂总体结构 10

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