
    摘要陶瓷具有耐高温、耐腐蚀、耐酸碱、硬度高和相对于金属材料密度低的特点,自二 十世纪以来被大量用作装甲防护材料,然而陶瓷材料的低断裂能、低冲击阻抗等弱点制 约了陶瓷装甲的应用。研究表明可以通过对陶瓷材料周围施加约束或者利用加压装置对 陶瓷施加预应力的方法来增强陶瓷的韧性,提高陶瓷的抗侵彻性能。本文设计出一个装 甲陶瓷的预应力加载装置,并对其结构进行校核,使其加载的预应力稳定可控且足够大。 结合实验技术和数值模拟研究,分析了预应力加载装置的效果。结果表明有限元仿真结 果与实验测试结果吻合,装甲陶瓷预应力加载装置可以达到预期目标。本文研究内容可 以为预应力陶瓷抗侵彻机理的研究提供技术支持。70123

    毕业论文关键词 装甲陶瓷 预应力加载装置 实验技术 有限元

    毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

    Title The design and analysis of prestressing device of ceramic armor

    Abstract Because of high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, acid and alkali resistance, high hardness and low density comparing with the metal materials, ceramic is widely used as an armored protective material since the beginning of twentieth century. However, low fracture energy and low impact resistance become the fatal weakness of ceramics armor. Recent studies show that the confinement and prestressing technology can enhance the toughness of the ceramic and improve the performance of ceramic in the practical application. In this paper, a design of a stable and controllabe prestressing device, which can generate large enough prestress inside ceramic,is presented and the structural strength is checked. Experiments and numerical simulations are carried out to analyze the performance of prestressing device of ceramic. The results show that the Finite Element Method agree well with experiments. In addition, the performance of prestressing device is verified. The finding in this study can provide a technical support for the research of the anti-penetration mechanism of prestressed ceramics.

    Keywords ceramic armor prestressing device experiment Finite Element Method

    本科毕业设计说明书 第 I 页

    1 引言 1

    1.1 论文研究的背景和意义 1

    1.2 国内外相关研究成果 3

    1.3 未来的发展趋势 7

    2 预应力加载装置的总体设计 8

    2.1 研究目的和方案 8

    2.2 装置结构设计 8

    3 加载装置强度分析 11

    3.1 理论预紧力计算 11

    3.2 压缩板强度校核 11

    3.3 框架强度校核 12

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