    Under the double pressures from energy resource and environment protection, EV has beening the new orientations in the development of auto industry.Despite the tremendous advantages of BEV being economical and environment-friendly,we cannot ignore their disadvantages:limited driving range,high battery cost,even weaker dynamic property than the traditional vehicles and so on.This article focuses on the braking energy analysis of recycled vehicles in driving process, simulating this process,in order to enhance the driving range of BEV.
    The study of braking feedback includes investigating how to distribute the motor regenerative braking force and traditional friction braking force, and taking the customer’feelings when braking into account on the premise of good braking efficiency.This paper will analyze the braking energy feedback,including six sections.In the first section,based on the introduction of topic background andresearch meanings,the electric automobile development is discussed and the significance of feedback control to electric automobile performance is presented. The second section mainly discusses the fundamental principles of feedback of braking energy recycle and major factors affecting the braking feedback efficiency. According to the research aim,I determines driving system structure of model vehicle and structure schematic of braking feedback system,analyzes the distribution principle of braking force.The third section analyzes the mathematic relation and conducts modeling of key components of braking feedback system under the ADVISOR condition.In the fourth section,the BEV simulation parameters are set up,different operating modes of braking are selected and the simulation of this dynamic co-simulating model is conducted.I analy a series of emulated data and curves from the simulation results.The fifth section summarizes the whole work,analyzes the shortcomings and future directions,and discusses the issues considered in next step.

    Keywords:Battery Electric Vehicles(BEV), braking feedback control strategy, Advisor, system modeling and simulating
    第一章    绪论    1
    1.1    课题背景和选题意义    1
    1.2电动汽车的分类与工作原理    2
    1.2.1电动汽车的分类及特点    2
    1.2.2纯电动汽车的基本构造及工作原理    2
    1.3回馈制动技术国内外发展状况    3
    1.3.1国外回馈制动发展现状    3
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