    毕业论文关键词  房地产企业;资本结构;企业价值
    With China's economy growing real estate economy at the beginning of its development was established with the resident life used for basic model of economic development, the housing economy of our country market economy development, and continue to open up the market and the development so as to effectively promote the China's real estate industry. Real estate enterprises in the development process of enterprise internal economic structure and enterprise value by the market environment and the direction of enterprise development will gradually change, and has a certain correlation between the two. Capital structure in the process of its formation will not only be the structure of the enterprise itself to adjust the overall economic structure of China's market will have a certain impact. Therefore, the research on the relationship between capital structure and corporate value of real estate enterprises is of significance and value. In this paper, from the theoretical analysis and empirical analysis of two aspects of the research, through the case study of Vanke Real estate case, according to Vanke Real estate enterprise internal capital institution status on the relationship between the enterprise value for detailed analysis.
    Key words : Real estate enterprise; capital structure; enterprise value
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1研究背景及意义    1
    1.2研究目的及方法    2
    1.3相关概念界定    2
    第二章  国内外研究综述    4
    2.1国内研究综述    4
    2.2国外研究综述    4
    第三章  资本结构与企业价值的理论分析    6
    3.1平衡理论    6
    3.2新优序融资理论    6
    3.3代理成本说    6
    3.4财务契约理论    6
    第四章  资本结构与企业价值关系的案例分析    7
    4.1万科房地产简介    7
    4.2万科房地产企业资本结构现状    7
    4.3万科房地产资本结构的形成过程    10
    第五章  万科房地产资本结构与企业价值关系分析    12
    5.1万科地产资本结构存在的隐藏问题    12
    5.2万科房地产资本结构与企业价值成正相关关系    13
    5.3资本结构对企业价值的影响    14
    第六章  总结    15
    6.1结论    15
    6.2建议    15
    致  谢    16
    参考文献    17
    第一章  绪论
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