    Abstract:The investment estimation is the most unshaped one an well as the most influential one all the evaluations during the long period time of construction on project.It is the foundation of project decision and the effective tool of making investment plan an well as controlling it.According to statistics.Therefore,the study of cost control of investment decision—making phase is important and necessary.Based on the urgency and necessity of the construction control cost,the article proposed the key preparatory works of construction control cost are the stages of decision-making.
    In investment decision-making phase,this paper points out the solutions on cost control according to the present situation and the existing questions,meanwhile,combined project
    cases,it expatiated investment estimatation methods.In the choice of different decision-making schemes. On the basis of the previous work,with reference to the davanced at home and abroad,this paper try to use the basic theory of fuzzy mathematics,translates the various influencing,factors from qualitative description into quantitative expression,which makes investment decision-making and reduces subjective factors on the choice ofschemes greatly.Close to the specific use of fuzzy mathematics formulas for calculation and selection, so that has been built between the project and the proposed project "similar or not similar" fuzzy boundaries between mathematical, quantitative, resulting in the cost of the proposed project. More basis to make decisions, fuzzy theory in the use of estimates in the investment but also greatly reduces the traditional investment estimation method due to human subjective factors caused by the shortcomings of accuracy is not high.
    KeyWords:investment estimation;project decision;fuzzy mathematics;close degree
    目  录
    1  绪论1
    1.1 研究背景1
    1.2 研究意义1
    2  决策阶段投资估算的概念5
    2.1.4决策阶段投资估算特点 9
    2.2.1静态投资估算定义 9
    2.2.2静态投资估算方法 9
    2.3.2动态投资估算方法 13
    2.3.3流动资金估算方法 15
    3  决策阶段投资估算的编制 18
    3.1 决策阶段投资估算的编制依据18
    3.2 决策阶段投资估算的编制步骤18
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