
    摘  要:市场经济条件下,企业之间的竞争核心是人才的竞争。企业想要在经济竞争中拔得头筹,就必须在人才竞争中占有优势。因此一套科学合理的薪酬体系必不可少,它能帮助企业在日趋激烈的人才大战中吸引需要的人才,并有效防止人才的流失。从企业经营管理的角度来说,薪酬的概念早已不仅仅是传统的工资奖金,它还包括了员工福利待遇、岗位培训、职业发展规划以及经营者的股权激励等方面。企业希望通过一套合理的薪酬体系来把握核心人才,激发员工的潜能,有效的提升企业竞争力。本文以淮安百隆实业有限公司为例,探讨如何解决实业公司的现有薪酬制度问题。58024


    Abstract:Under the condition of market economy,the competition between the enterprises is the core talented person's competition.If Companies want to get advantage in the economic competition,must be have the advantage in the talent competition.So a set of scientific and reasonable compensation system is indispensable,it can help enterprises in an increasingly fierce war for talent need to attract talent,and effectively prevent the loss of talent.From the point of view of enterprise management,the concept of compensation already is not just a traditional salary bonus,it also includes employee welfare treatment,on-the-job training,career development plan andthe operator equity incentive.Hope that through a set of reasonable compensation system to motivate the potential of employees.Taking huaian BaiLong industrial co., LTD as an example,discuss how to solve the problem of existing compensation system of industrial company.

    Keywords:  compensation system, incentive system , the operation and management 

    1  引言 4

    2  薪酬激励理论综述 4

    2.1  薪酬定义 4

    2.2  薪酬激励体系设计原则 5

    2.3  薪酬激励制度设计的基本目标 6

    3  薪酬激励对淮安百隆实业的意义 6

    3.1  有助于增强企业的竞争力 6

    3.2  有助于解决百隆公司用工难的问题 7

    3.3  有助于企业防止人才流失 7

    4  淮安百隆实业薪酬体系现状及分析 8

    4.1  企业薪酬激励制度现状 8

    4.2  企业现有薪酬激励制度存在的问题 8

    4.2.1  薪酬、福利待遇缺乏透明度 8

    4.2.2  薪酬结构不合理,激励方式单一 9

    4.2.3  短期激励过度 9

    4.2.4  明收入较少、暗收入较多 10

    5  解决淮安百隆实业薪酬激励制度问题的对策 10

    5.1  提高薪酬待遇透明度 10

    5.2  设置多种薪酬结构 11

    5.3  重点建设绩效考核体系 12

    5.4  重新设置经营者薪酬起点,进一步规范收入分配 12

    结  论 13

    参考文献 14

    致 谢

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