


    Abstract:As the vital supplement of the main board in China, GEM serves the SMEs in set-up stage or growth stage. Because most of these enterprises are family enterprises or private enterprises using family operating mode or similar mode, they have different governance structural characteristics compared with other enterprises, and have larger potential growth and development. However, they also face the risks of unstable performance, imperfect governance structure and growth pressures. Therefore taking the significant role of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) into consideration, many companies listed on GEM get rid of financial difficulties through M&A to achieve the purpose of improving enterprise value. In this article, based on the M&A case analysis of the HONZ, acquisition motives and performance are proposed to study with case study ,qualitative research and literature research methodology. According to the conclusion analysis, it objectively evaluates the M&A activities of GEM listed companies, and reasonable suggestions are proposed finally.This has vital important significance as it could improve the M&A efficiency of the listed companies, and accelerate the long-term development and progress of the companies.

    Keywords: the Growth Enterprise Market(GEM), listed company, acquisition motives, acquisition performance,Honz Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.(HONZ)

    目  录

    1  引言 3

    2   创业板上市公司并购动因与绩效研究的研究背景 3

    2.1  研究背景 3

    2.2  并购的含义 4

    2.3  创业板市场的含义 4

    2.4  研究方法与创新点 4

    2.4.1  研究方法 4

    2.4.2  创新观点 5

    3  康芝药业并购案例分析 5

    3.1  康芝药业介绍 5

    3.2  康芝药业问题与并购过程 5

    4  创业板上市公司并购动因与绩效分析 6

    4.1并购动因分析 6

    4.1.1  超募资金富余助推康芝药业并购 6

    4.1.2  临危脱困迫使康芝药业大规模并购 7

    4.1.3  多元化协同效应促使康芝药业并购 7

    4.2  并购绩效分析 8

    4.2.1  并购前后基本财务数据比较

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