

    关键词:企业社会责任 信息披露 企业财务绩效 利益相关者

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  A Research on the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility Information Disclosure level and Corporate Financial Performance                     


    With the increasing impact on social development and human fives since 20th century, companies have been more and more appealed to assume social responsibilities, and fulfilling the social responsibilities has become a great problem that cannot be shirked anymore by modem companies.In this paper, from the perspective of stakeholders, select the dimension of the seven major categories of corporate social responsibility: (1) environmental issues, (2) employee issues, (3) legal issues, (4) community issues and public behavior, (5) Government (6) customers, (7) social stability and progress. Departure from these seven areas of heavy polluting industries listed companies in 2010-2012 as the study sample, the use of multiple regression corporate social responsibility information disclosure and financial performance. The results show that more enterprise customers, employees, social welfare aspects of the obligations, the higher the level of disclosure of information, the higher the level of financial performance.

    Keywords: corporate social responsibility; Information Disclosure  level; financial performance; Stakeholders

    目  录

    1  引言 1

    1.1  选题背景和研究意义 1

    1.2  研究内容和方法 2

    文献综述 3

    2.1  企业社会责任内涵 3

    2.2  企业社会责任信息披露内涵 4

    2.3  企业社会责任信息披露与财务绩效的关系研究综述 4

    3  研究设计 7

    3.1  样本与数据来源 7

    3.2  指标选择 7

    3.2.1  企业社会责任信息披露情况指标选择 7

    3.2.2  公司财务绩效的指标选择 9

    3.2.3  控制变量的选取 9

    3.3  模型构建 10

    4  实证分析 11

    4.1  变量的描述性统计分析 11

    4.2  截面数据回归分析 12

    4.3  面板数据回归分析 13

    5  主要结论及思考建议 15

    5.1  本文主要研究结论

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