

    毕业论文[关键词] 会计信息 ; 失真 ; 原因 ; 对策   

    The reason of accounting information distortion     and countermeasures research

    Abstract:Based on the description of accounting information and accounting information distortion of the cognitive and discussed on the basis of the practical significance of the problem, through literature review, compared the two different borders on accounting information distortion problem at home and abroad to the degree of attention and research content. From the subjective factors and objective factors affecting the accounting information distortion analysis respectively, and briefly discusses the present situation of the accounting information distortion. Introduced by the status quo analysis, this paper discusses the cause of the distortion of accounting information. The main reasons for accounting information distortion is the imperfect corporate governance structure, internal and external governance structure from the enterprise point of view, to explore the source of the accounting information distortion. According to the reasons of the distortion of accounting information, and analyzes the harm of accounting information distortion, dig up the potential harm of its existence. In view of the accounting information distortion problem cannot control, the author put forward the corresponding countermeasures at the end of the article. 

    Key words: accounting information ; distortion ; reasons ; countermeasures

    目       录

    一、导论 1

    (一)选题的背景和意义 1

    (二)文献综述 3

    二、会计信息失真的现状 5

    (一)主观因素导致的会计信息失真 5

    (二)客观因素导致的会计信息失真 7

    三、会计信息失真的原因分析 8

    (一)公司治理结构不完善 8

    (二)会计准则、会计政策的局限性 9

    (三)外部监管不力,执法监督不够 10

    (四)会计工作人员的素养不高 10

    四、会计信息失真的危害分析 11

    (一)国家宏观决策失误,扰乱社会经济秩序 11

    (二)会计信息的社会公信力受到严重危害 11

    (三)投资人、债权人等作出不合理决策,利益受损 11

    (四)造成企业经营治理混乱,影响企业后续发展 11

    五、治理会计信息失真的对策研究 12


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