


    毕业论文关键词:  海峡两岸;个人所得税;综合所得税;税制比较

    A Comparative Study of Inpidual Income Taxes on Mainland China and Taiwan

    Abstract: Financial and taxation system reform is an international issue related to people's livelihood. To this end, China will accelerate the reform of fiscal and taxation system as one of the important contents of the "13th Five-Year Plan". In most countries of the world, the collection of personal income tax is a common phenomenon, the more developed countries, the more attention, in our income tax, personal income tax in an important position.

    China's mainland and Taiwan in the tax system there are many different, the main reason is because the two sides of the political, historical, natural and other aspects of the differences caused by the tax system has also shown a certain degree of difference. Because the Taiwan region is an inseparable part of China's territory, with the same history and culture, although the use of market economy system, more common problems, but the tax system there is a big difference, which became the mainland of China and Taiwan to learn from each other An important opportunity. This paper analyzes the differences between the mainland and Taiwan's personal income tax, that is, the legislative background, the definition and significance of the taxpayer, the tax rate structure, the tax allowance and the deduction project, the declaration method and the taxpayer. Finally, according to the personal income tax reform in mainland China Draw conclusions and make some suggestions and prospects for future personal income tax reform.

    Key words: Mainland China and Taiwan; Personal Income Tax; Consolidated income tax; Tax comparison

    目    录


    一、 概述 1

    二、 两岸个人所得税研究现状、差异及原因 2

    (一) 研究现状 2

    1、 国外研究现状 2

    2、 国内研究现状 2

    (二) 差异及原因 3

    1、 两岸立法背景不同 3

    2、 纳税人的界定和内涵不同 5

    3、 税率结构的比较 5

    4、 关于扣除项目的比较 7

    5、 申报方法与纳税单位的差异 8

    三、 完善大陆个人所得税的建议 10

    (一) 关于课税主体与客体的思考

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