    关键词  静电纺丝  PET溶液  纳米金材料  四巯基苯硼酸 过氧化氢酶
    Title  Preparation of electrospunnano-bio-fiber performance Analysis and Application
    Many electrostatic spinning technique can be converted to the adhesive material in the electric field of Nan scale materials are small molecules , and concentrated on the electrode , and in the subsequent experiment, the effect on the chelating of the electrode , with a variety of functional groups , binding molecules , various electrochemical experiments performed in the molecule and neon extent . PET solution is a possible role in the parcel chatoyant solution , electrostatic spinning solution is achieved when the applied electric field exists. When using PET was electrostatic ally adsorbed on the electrode surface , nonmaterial’s can chelating electrochemical experiments , the reduction potential of the former is possible . In the electrochemical reduction potential of stable chlorine acid solution can be achieved decomposition, and to the electrode surface enrichment of gold , thus making gold Nan particle materials involved in follow-up experiments . Tetramercaptobenzene acid solution is possible to achieve the adsorption of gold Nan particles ion solution , phenyl bionic acid group and boron on - hydroxyls enzyme , and may have various types of acid-catalyzed reactions and the hydroxyl of the protein were combined , thereby achieving protection of sensitive enzymes , the role of specific biocatalyst preparation of the sensor, the experimental design report, polyphone oxidize, catalane can be achieved with this kind of boron - combined with hydroxyl. Such groups are introduced into the electrostatic spinning fibroin solution can protect sensitive and susceptible to oxidation enzymes containing phenols can also be the normal acidic enzymes ( bioelectric point < 7.0 ) occurs binding proteins directed to achieve a further extraction.
    Keywords Electro spinning  、 PET material 、 gold Nan particle  Mercaptophenylboronic acid
     目   录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  引言    1
    1.2  静电纺丝技术简介    1
    1.3  基于静电纺丝技术的纳米材料简介    2
    1.4  纳米金材料简介    3
    1.5  静电纺丝溶液的制备    4
    1.6  静电纺丝的性能分析与条件探究    5
    1.7  基于静电纺丝技术生物传感器的表征与制备    6
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