








    毕业论文关键词:  苦荞;黄酮化合物;超声波;提取;抑菌性

    Ultrasonic assisted the extraction of flavonoid and the anti-microbial properties of the flavonoid

    Abstract: This research used bitter buckwheat as the raw material of the extraction of flavonoid and use ethanol to extract the flavonoid from the bitter buckwheat. The research has determined the optimum process of extracting. The content of total flavonoids were investigated through spectrophotography with rutin as a reference substance. Use ultrasonic assisted ethanol to extract the flavonoid, the influence of the flavonoids extraction yield with assisted by ultrasonic were studied by orthogonal design and also obtained the optimal technology parameter. The antimicrobial activity changes caused by different content of flavonoid were studied by filter paper dispersion methods.

    The main results were as follows:

    1. This research obtained the technological parameters and optimal process conditions. The variables considered were time, volume percentage of ethanol, temperature and ultrasonic power in the experiment design. Based on the single experiment results, the optimum conditions were as follows: ultrasonic power, 420W, temperature, 50℃, volume percentage of ethanol, 80%, time, 30min. And under the above conditions, the flavonoids extraction yield could reach the highest, 2.547%.

    2. The biggest factor of the technology parameter of the extraction of the flavonoid from the buckwheat could be known through analysis: when the volume percentage of ethanol is 80%, the extraction yield could reached the maximal. With the assisted by ultrasonic, when the ultrasonic power is 420W, the extraction yield could reached the maximal.

    3. The antimicrobial activity of flavonoid was determined by filter paper dispersion method and the result were as follows:

    (1) The inhibition effect of extraction with the assisted by ultrasonic was better.

    (2) The experiment of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) on E.coli was 5mg/ml, while the MIC on staphylococcus aureus and bacillus subtills was 10mg/ml.

    KeyWords:  Buckwheat; Flavonoid; Ultrasonic; Extract; Antimicrobial Activity


    1 绪论 1

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    1.1.4 苦荞中其他化学成分及价值

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