
    摘要:本文主要研究了蒸蛋糕的配方及其制作方式,同时初步探究了亲水性胶体对蒸蛋糕品质的影响。以浆料比、比容和感官评分为指标,首先研究水、糖粉、玉米油、玉米淀粉对蒸蛋糕品质的影响,在此基础上通过正交实验获得影响蒸蛋糕的主次因素并确定蒸蛋糕的最优配方。然后设计蒸蛋糕的制作工艺。随后对黄原胶、果胶、结冷胶以及CMC在蒸蛋糕中的应用进行了比较,筛选果胶和结冷胶进行复配。最后对蒸蛋糕进行了物性实验和水分活度测定。研究结果显示: 蒸蛋糕的配方(焙烤百分比%):低筋面粉100,水87.5,鸡蛋150,糖100,玉米淀粉10,泡打粉1.1,果胶1.29,结冷胶0.129。蒸蛋糕最优工艺条件:1)采用微电脑电磁茶炉(型号为TF-20),额定功率为1600w,额定频率为50Hz。选用在火锅模式下的“1200”蒸制22min,蒸制蛋糕时锅盖留一道缝。研制出的蒸蛋糕具有良好的蛋糕香味,使其成为深受人们喜爱、有益人们健康的绿色食品。69787


    Design of steamed cakes and their quality of hydrophilic colloid The impact of the study

    Abstract: This paper mainly studies the formula of steamed cake and its production method, and explores the effect of hydrophilic colloid on the quality of steamed cake. The effects of water, powdered sugar, corn oil and corn starch on the quality of steamed cakes were studied by using the ratio of slurry ratio, specific volume and sensory score. Based on this, the main factors affecting the steamed cake were obtained by orthogonal experiment. The best recipe for steamed cakes. And then design the production process of steamed cakes. The application of xanthan gum, pectin, gellan gum and CMC in steamed cakes was followed by screening pectin and gellan gum. Finally, the physical properties of steamed cake and water activity determination. The results showed that the formula (baking percentage) was: low gluten flour 100, water 87.5, egg 150, sugar 100, corn starch 10, baking powder 1.1, pectin 1.29, gellan gum 0.129. Steam cake cake the best process conditions: 1) the use of microcomputer electromagnetic tea oven (model TF-20), rated power of 1600w, rated frequency of 50Hz. Selected in the hot pot mode "1200" steaming 22min, steamed cake when the lid to stay a seam. Developed steamed cake has a good cake flavor, making it loved by the people, useful people healthy green food.

    Key Words: steamed cakes; hydrophilic colloid; process; recipe


    1 绪论 1

    1.1本课题国内外研究现状 1

    1.2蒸蛋糕的概述 2

    1.3蒸蛋糕的工艺 2

    1.3.1蒸蛋糕的主要原料 2

    1.3.2蒸蛋糕的主要工艺 2

    1.4蒸蛋糕品质影响因素 3

    1.4.1原材料对蛋糕品质的影响 3

    1.5本课题研究目的和意义 7

    2 材料与方法 8

    2.1 实验材料 8

    2.2 实验仪器与设备 8

    2.3 实验方法 8

    2.3.1 蒸蛋糕配方及工艺的设计 8

    2.3.3蛋糕比容的测定 9

    2.3.4感官评定 9

    2.3.5 蛋糕水分活度的测定 10

    2.3.6 蛋糕质构的测定

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