As a kind of important mathematics thought ,symbolic-graphic combination plays a huge role in the middle school mathematics teaching, and is applied in many aspects of mathematics, mainly in algebra and geometry .A number line in the middle school mathematics is the beginning of contacting symbolic-graphic combination. The thoughts of symbolic-graphic combination often used in the teaching of middle school. After a brief understanding of symbolic-graphic combination, The paper roughly introduces some applications of symbolic-graphic combination in the middle school teaching, that is applications in the rational Numbers, mathematical formula derivation, the application of function and equation. Due to symbolic-graphic combination ideas is widely used in the process of problem solving,teachers should help students understand symbolic-graphic combination ideas to solve problems and cultivate students ability to symbolic-graphic combination ideas problem solving in the process of education teaching.
毕业论文关键字: 数形结合;初中数学;数轴;解题能力
Keywords: symbolic-graphic combination; Junior middle school mathematics; a number line; the problem solving ability
目 录
引言 4
1 数形结合的介绍 4
2 数形结合的应用 5
2.1 数形结合在有理数(数轴上)的应用 5
2.1.1解决绝对值问题 5
2.1.2 解决有理数大小比较的问题 6
2.1.3解不等式 6
2.2 数形结合在数学公式推导中的应用 7
2.3 数形结合在函数中的应用 8
2.3.1数形结合在一次函数中的应用 8
2.3.2数形结合在二次函数中的应用 8
2.4 数形结合在方程中的应用 9
3教师如何在教学过程中渗透数形结合的解题思想,学生运用数形结合解题的能力 10
3.1运用启发式教学,培养学生的发散思维,从而使学生运用数形结合思想解题的能力得到提高。 10
3.2进行专题训练,循序渐进,注意训练目的的合理性和训练过程的阶梯性。 11
3.3结合数学学科的特点,学生在学习过程中不断地实践来提高运用数形结合思想解题的能力。 12
4 结论 12
参考文献 13
致 谢 13