


    Abstract : At present our country is in the key period of educational reform, cooperative learning has gradually become an important way of learning and the strategies to improve teaching quality and efficiency, and has been widely used, cooperative learning can improve students' learning enthusiasm, training plays an important role in the creative thinking of students, more and more primary school teachers is gradually try this method of teaching. As the core of cooperative learning, choose the appropriate mathematical content is very important, this paper will introduce the content of mathematics in primary school mathematics cooperative learning group selection, provide a theoretical basis for the practical application of cooperative learning. This paper mainly focuses on the basic theories of cooperative learning, cooperative learning of primary school mathematics of the necessity and significance of the content of cooperation, cooperation in the content selection principle and the selection process of the problems and countermeasures are discussed in this paper, in the first stage of primary school mathematics learning in mathematics learning content for cooperation as an example, an overview of the importance of cooperative learning in the choice of content.

    Keywords: primary school mathematics; cooperative learning; teaching content

    1  前言 1

    研究的背景 1

    2.1 国内、外小组合作学习的兴起 1

       2.2 小组合作学习的发展现状 1

    3  有关合作学习的相关理论 2

    3.1 合作学习的内涵 2

    3.2 合作学习的理论建构 2

    3.3 合作学习的主要方法 3

    4  小学数学教学的合作学习分析 3

    4.1 小学数学教学进行合作学习的必要性 4

    4.2 小学数学教学中合作学习的意义 5

    5  小学数学合作学习中数学内容的选择 5

    5.1 小学数学合作学习学习内容选择的原则 5

    5.2 小学数学教学中合作学习中的内容特征 6

    5.3 小学数学合作学习的数学内容的选择 7

    6  小学数学合作学习中数学内容选择的问题及对策 7

    6.1小学数学合作学习中数学内容选择的问题 7

    6.2针对小学数学合作学习中数学内容选择问题的建议 9

    结  语

  1. 上一篇:运用信息技术手段减少小学数学课堂低效现象的策略研究
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