
    摘要生产实践中,经常需要考察多个因素在各种水平下对产品的影响。但当因素或水平数较大时,逐个的做全面实验是不现实的。此时需要科学的选择实验条件,以较少的有代表性的若干组样本获得相对全面的信息,使实验次数不多而结论较为可靠。正交试验设计就是应用最广的方法。  67666  



    毕业论文关键词  正交试验  股票  财务指标  交互作用


    Title Analysis of the factors influencing stock returns based on the orthogonal experiment 


    In production practice,we often need to investigate the influence of multiple factors at various levels. But when the numble of the factors is large, it is not realistic to do comprehensive experiments. We hope to find out a method which need less experiments but the conclusion is reliable. Orthogonal test design is the most widely used method.

    This topic based on the orthogonal experiment method is try to analyze the influence factors of stock returns. We hope to find out the most important financial indicators and to analyse the interaction between the factors.  Based on the results of the analysis, we hope to find the ideal investment targets and to provide reference for investment decisions.

    In this paper, We will talk about the theory,application and development of orthogonal test. Knowledge about stock necessary is also mentioned. At last, by using the selected data from the stock market of the year 2012 , combined with poor analysis, variance analysis method ,we use orthogonal experiment design to analyse the factors that affect stock returns.

    Keywords  Orthogonal Experiment ,Stock ,Financial ,Interaction


    1  引言 1

    2  正交试验设计 2

    2.1 试验设计概述 2

    2.1 .1 试验与试验设计 2

    2.1 .2 试验设计的发展历史 2

    2.2正交表 4

    2.2 .1 正交表的定义与格式 4

    2.2 .2 正交表的性质 5

    2.3 正交试验的一般理论 5

    2.3.1 正交试验设计的步骤 5

    2.3.2 正交试验设计的极差分析与方差分析 7

    3  正交试验的实际运用 10

    3.1 概述 10

    3.2 股票投资收益影响因素分析 10

    3.2 .1相关股票财务分析指标 10

    3.2 .2 正交试验设计 13

    结  论 19

    致  谢 20

    参 考 文 献 21

    附录1 C++程序代码

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