




    毕业论文关键词:麦克风阵列 声源定位 时延估计 平面四元十字阵 


    Title   Sound source localization based on microphone array                     


    Voice signal is one of the signals contain most information and various media distribution is very widely available and more convenient. Sound at the same time is also the most fundamental and most effective way of people communication. Sound is a commonly used tools, human is very important in transfer and access to information. Different objects tend to make their own special sound, and according to the voice of the object, you can determine the object's orientation[1]. Now, mankind has entered the information age, of sound source localization technology research, and makes people to be able to more effectively create, access and application processing sound information, it is of great significance in the development of today's society. So this article system of sound source localization method based on microphone array is studied and made a few main aspects of work:

        First, fully understand about the microphone acoustic signal game model of relevant theoretical knowledge, including the source of signal and noise signal causes and treatment method of the theory, the far field and near field models of distinction and selection, the choice of the microphone array structure and implementation method.

        Secondly, in order to gain a better understanding of the microphone array delay location estimation algorithm, the time delay estimation method of existing at home and abroad to make classification and distinction, introduced two kinds of time delay estimation algorithm, respectively is: the generalized cross-correlation time delay estimation method and adaptive time delay estimation method.

        Finally For plane quaternary cross array algorithm was deduced, the orientation precision of the algorithm are analyzed, and the algorithm are simulated on MATLAB platform.

    Keywords  Microphone Array  Sound Source Localization  Time Delay Estimation  Plane Quaternary Cross Array

                             目  次

    1 绪论 1

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