

    毕业论文关键词: 对数留数;留数定理;辐角原理;儒歇定理;应用;解析;极点


    Examples of the complex function the application of the argument principle


    Complex function theory is mainly research on complex domain analytic function. Residue theorem is one of the important theorem of complex functions, it is used to calculate the analytic function path integral along the closed curve of a powerful tool, of course, can also be used to calculate the real function integral. On the basis of residue theorem, we can prove argument principle, part of the argument principle and proper change to meet the conditions can be obtained an important corollary - Confucianism, xie theorem. This paper mainly introduces the theory and its important application, at the same time at the beginning of the paper part of complex function to define some basic concepts such as done a simple introduction, facilitate our understanding of knowledge behind it. Applications include argument principle and inference in real analysis and applied mathematics used in several types of definite integral and generalized integral calculation, it is worth noting that a kind of based on the residue method, it is often used to determine the zero point of function, or by calculating residues and to find the Laplace inverse mapping.

    Keywords: Logarithmic residue; argument principle; the Confucian break theorem;; resolution; pole

    目  次

    1 绪论5

    2 复数与复变函数的基本知识5

    2.1  复数 5

    2.2 复平面上的点集…∙…6

    2.3 复变函数…7

    3 解析函数8

    3.1 解析函数的概念与柯西黎曼方程…8

    3.2 解析函数的平均值公式…10

    3.3 解析函数的孤立奇点10

    3.4 解析函数的应用12

    4 复变函数的积分…12

    4.1 复变函数积分的概念和性质…12

    4.2 柯西积分定理及其推论…14

    4.3 柯西积分公式及其推论…15

    5 辐角原理16

    5.1 辐角原理的由来16

    5.2 辐角原理…16

    5.3 儒歇定理--辐角原理的推论…18

    5.4 辐角原理以及儒歇定理的应用举例19




    附录A 29

    1 绪论

    十六世纪的时候,一位意大利的数学家卡尔丹发表了解三次方程的公式, 在1545年的时候,他在解三次方程的过程中,出于需要就产生了负数开平方的思想。例如,在他看来,可以把40看作5+√(-15)与5-√(-15)的乘积,这只是一种表达形式而已,在当时看来并没有意义,也看不出这样做的好处。但是数学家们总是不甘于停滞的,为了使负数开平方有意义,换句话说为了让诸如x^2+1=0这类方程有解,我们就必须要扩大数系,于是,我们引入虚数的概念,使实数域扩大到复数域。到了17、18世纪,由于微积分的发明与发展,同时数学家们对于复数开始有了几何的解释,并把平面向量与复数相对应起来解决实际的问题,这时人们对复数的概念开始变化。论文网

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