
    摘 要: 本文通过对宜兴市环科园实验小学 4-6 年级学生进行抽样调查,分 析小学生对体育课满意度及存在的问题,并针对性的提出解决办法,提高宜兴 市环科园实验小学体育课的教学质量,以促进全体学生的身体发展,培养全面 发展的新人才,使学生从小养成良好的体育锻炼习惯,促使良好生活习惯的养 成,防止疾病发生,充实生活空间,使学生的心理空间宽阔而深邃。70430

    毕业论文关键词: 体育课满意度,宜兴市,小学生,调查,对策措施

    Abstract:With the improvement of living standards, the nutritional status of primary school students in our country has been significantly improved, while the physical quality has shown a gradual decline, and the physical level of the physical fitness level is obviously lower than that of the developed countries. Curriculum reform in our country started in 1999. In 2001, the Ministry of education of China developed 18 subjects curriculum standards, "sports and health curriculum" is the one of them, new sports and health curriculum standards summarizes our country for many years results of the physical education reform but also to highlight the health as the main goal of the theme, reflects the people-oriented spirit, for the training of all- round development in the new century talents education idea, is another round of school physical education thinking and reform. However, although the concepts and standards has been introduced, but sports teaching content related to the specific measures facing the urgent need transformation from concept to action, the primary school physical education of school physical education of all-round development of talent is very critical stage, it provides a guarantee a solid foundation for China's youth physical quality, is the key to the lifelong physical culture. Students are the subject of physical education learning, a physical education student quality is the experience and have the right to speak, so understanding is a very important help student satisfaction of physical education in all aspects of physical education development and progress.

    Keywords: physical satisfaction  , Yixing city ,  elementary ,investigation, countermeasures

    1 前言 3

    2 研究对象和方法 3

    2.1 研究对象: 3

    2.2 研究方法: 3

    2.2.1.文献资料法 3

    2.2.2.问卷调查法 3

    2.2.3.数理统计法 4

    3 结果与分析 4

    3.1 宜兴市环科院实验小学体育课基本情况调查 4

    3.1.1 环科院实验小学体育课周时数执行情况 4

    3.1.2 宜兴市环科院实验小学体育场地器材情况 4

    3.1.3 宜兴市环科院实验小学体育教师基本情况 5

    3.2 影响学生体育课积极性因素分析 5

    3.2.1 学生对体育课的喜欢程度 5

    3.2.2 学生喜欢上体育课的主要原因 6

    3.2.3 学生不喜欢上体育课的主要原因 6

    3.2.4 学生对体育课教学满意度分析 7 学生对体育课器械满意度分析 7 学生对体育课教学组织形式满意度分析

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