    关键词  3D视频  多视点加深度图像  DIBR技术 深度图渲染 虚拟视点合成
    Title   The research of compounding of the virtual viewpoint based depth image
    The 3D video format of multi-view video plus depth (MVD),only needs to code a few viewpoints and the depth image of the corresponding image to achieve the function of free viewpoint video. At the decoding part, it can compound the virtual view at any position by using Depth Image Based Rendering (DIBR). It can realize the interactive 3d applications under a limited bit rate, which is a significant advantage of this video format. Nowdays, 3D video can’t compound reliable and accurate virtual intermediate viewpoints. With the development of the technology of virtual viewpoint, The 3D video format of multi-view video plus depth will become the main video format in the field of future E-Consumer and also be used in medical imaging, restoration of cultural relic, entertainment , the next generation of video conference and so on.
    This paper elaborates the basic principle of compounding the virtual view at any position by DIBR and the basic flow of DIBR. At the same time,I research some solutions and algorithms in the compounding of the virtual view at any position by studying the process of HTM,the reference software of 3D video. I read some recent paper about compounding of the virtual view at any position and understand the development direction in the compounding of the virtual viewpoint.
    Keywords  3D video MVD DIBR compounding of the virtual viewpoint
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  引言    1
    1.2  本课题的研究背景和现状    1
    1.2.1研究背景    1
    1.2.1研究现状    2
    2自由视点视频概述    4
    2.1 自由视点视频简介    4
    2.2 多视点加深度图像(MVD)    4
    2.2.1多视点视频的获取    5
    2.2.2 深度图    5
    3 视角合成技术概述    7
    3.1 基于模型的绘制    7
    3.2 基于图像的绘制    9
    4 基于深度图像的绘制技术(Depth Image Based Rendering,DIBR)    11
    4.1 3D Image Warping方程    11
    4.2基于深度图像的绘制技术(DIBR)亟需解决的难点 –空洞问题    19
    5 针对空洞问题的图像修复    21
    5.1 深度图像的平滑    21
    5.2 空洞填补    21
    结  论    23
    致  谢    24
    1  绪论
    1.1  引言
    随着视频技术的发展,视频经历了从标清到高清的发展进步,同时视频压缩技术的发展也让人们在有限的传输带宽内享受到了更加高清的视频,而且视频编码技术也经历了从H.120, H.261, H.262, H.263, H.263+, H.263++,H.264/AVC和MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 Part 2, MPEG-4 Part 10,AVC/H.264等格式的发展。在经历了这些发展后,平面视频似乎已经不能满足人们的要求了。人们不再将目光限制于只能从一个视角方向观看的平面视频了,而是投向了能够给人们以立体感受的立体视频,即3D视频。而在这其中,自由视点视频作为新兴的技术之一,也是掀起了人们的研究热潮。自由视点视频,是只需要编码几个视点和对应的深度图像而实现自由视点视频的功能的视频。在解码端,可以利用DIBR技术,渲染合成任意位置的虚拟视角。该视频格式的一个显著的优点是可以在有限的码率下实现交互式的3D应用。目前,3D视频受限于渲染技术,无法得到可靠、准确的虚拟中间视角。随着渲染技术的发展,多视点加深度图像的3D视频格式,不仅将成为未来电子消费的主流视频格式,而且可广泛应用于医学成像、文物修复、卫星遥感、娱乐以及下一代视频会议等等。
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