    本文结合DFT算法以及FFT算法的原理及特点,实现在多核DSP TMS320C6678开发板上实现FFT算法的运行。本文首先对多核DSP硬件、软件开发环境CCS方面做了介绍和阐述,然后通过MATLAB软件产生信号输入CCS开发环境,调用FFT算法进行运算,将输出结果绘出波形,与MATLAB中的结果产生对比,进而验证正确性。本文的最后还对FFT算法的优化方法进行论述,提出两种可行的优化方案思路,使DSP运行FFT算法的效率有所提高。26413
    关键词  多核DSP  TMS320C6678  FFT  算法优化 
    Title  Realization of FFT algorithm based on multicore DSP
    With the rapid development of computer and digital signal systems, the application of digital signal processing has penetrated into all areas and plays a huge role. DSP, especially multicore DSP with high efficiency and high real-time, has wide range of applications in industrial measurement, medical testing, electronic communications and military, radar and other aspects. FFT algorithm, as a fast way of DFT algorithm, has become an important tool for us to move the time domain to the frequency domain signal analysis.
    In this paper, we will take combine of DFT algorithms and FFT algorithm principle and characteristics to achieve the realization of FFT algorithm on multi-core DSP TMS320C6678 development board to. This paper first describe the hardware of multi-core DSP and the software development environment CCS . And then, we generate an input signal from the MATLAB software to the development environment CCS, call FFT algorithm from the DSP lib for computing the output waveform and plot them, and compare them with the result produced from MATLAB, to test and verify the correction. Finally, this paper also discusses the way to optimization of FFT algorithm , proposed two possible optimization ideas to get the efficiency of DSP FFT algorithm running improved.
    Keywords  multicore DSP  TMS320C6678  FFT  algorithm improvement
    目   次
    1   绪论 1
    1.1  课题研究背景及意义 1
    1.2  FFT研究状况及国内外现状 3
    1.3  本论文主要研究的内容 4
    2    FFT算法原理6
    2.1  离散傅里叶变换(DFT) 6
    2.2  快速傅里叶变换(FFT) 6
    2.3  本章小结 10
    3    FFT算法的DSP实现 11
    3.1  TMS320C6678简介 11
    3.2  CCS简介 14
    3.3  FFT算法实现流程图 14
    3.3  本章小结 16
    4    结果及分析 17
    4.1  运行结果及分析 17
    4.2  算法优化办法 21
    4.3  本章小结 30
    结论  31
    致谢 32
    1  绪论
    1.1  课题研究背景及意义
    1.1.1  FFT
    离散傅里叶变换(Discrete Fourier Transform, DFT)对连续信号进行傅里叶变换,但由于计算量太过于庞大,其早期的发展受到了极大的限制,并没能被重用。后来,快速傅里叶变换(Fast Fourier Transform, FFT)的出现才使这种局面有所改善。快速傅里叶变换是离散傅里叶变换的快速算法,它能有效地简化离散傅里叶变化,从而使其计算效率得以提高。因而在如今的无线通信、语音识别、图像处理和频谱分析等各工程领域中,快速傅里叶变换都占据了相当重要的地位。
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