    The environment parameter test and display system
    Abstract:Based on the single-chip microcomputer system, using the sensing and control technology, the design can be based on the change of external temperature and light condition, automatic open or close the control system of intelligent system.Relay and off and disconnect the simulated turn on the light to turn off the lights, light emitting diode to turn on the light lamp,behind the relay terminal is can meet 220 v electric light.The leds to turn on the light light, behind the relay terminal is can meet 220 v electric light. Brightness change is the use of induction, photosensitive sensor with indicator light shows, through the LM393 voltage comparator light intensity,When the light is dark, when the indicator lamp light when the light is strong light, can clearly know the photosensitive sensor receives the outside light intensity changes.With infrared pyroelectric sensor sensing the human body temperature, when the
    temperature of the induction to the human body will light up lights, otherwise light is put out.When the light dimmed and induction to someone, will relay and led light. Smart delay, when no one delay after 10 seconds automatically turn off the lights (relay disconnect), so as to realize energy-saving intelligent control.When the light is stronger and induction to the person, of relay is not going to suck. When the light dimmed and the continuous induction to someone, will continue to delay for 10 seconds, until there is no sense to the person would delay closed relay simulation to turn off the lights.
    Keywords: human body thermal, photosensitive, single chip microcomputer, intelligent
    目 录
    第一章 绪论    5
     1.1研究的背景    5
     1.2  研究的意义    5
     1.3 研究内容与目标    6
    1.3.1  研究内容    6
    1.3.2  研究目标    6
    第二章 系统总体方案设计    8
     2.1 系统总体框图    8
     2.2 方案的选择    8
    2.2.1 单片机的选择    8
    2.2.2 感应器的选择    9
    第三章 系统硬件电路设计    11
     3.1 系统硬件概述    11
     3.2 主控模块设计    12
    3.2.1 系统主控电路    12
    3.2.2 单片机的引脚功能    12
    3.2.3 单片机的主要特性    12
    3.2.4 单片机最小系统    14
     3.3 红外热感应模块设计    15
     3.4 光敏模块设计    17
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