    关键词: 高速铁路;气象监测;以太网
    The method design along the railway wind speed and rainfall collection method
    Abstract:Meteorological monitoring system on high.speed  railway  has  a  great significance on railway safe operation.Nowadays,meteorological monitoring system has been widely applied on weather station,road in our country,but it has just started on high speed railway.At the present stage,our country has speeded up the pace of high.speed railway.Compared with common trains,high.speed trains have shorter time to correct and avoid the accident.In order to  make  sure  the security  of  railway safe opermion.it's necessary to design reliable and  imely meteorological monitoring system.Meteorological monitoring system on highspeed railway provides the timely and accurate meteorological information for railway scheduling department and promotes its management standard.
    According to the specific requirements of high speed railway, this paper designed a kind of good reliability, strong real-time meteorological monitoring system, the monitoring objects include high speed railway key elements wind speed and direction, rainfall, etc. This paper investigate the following questions: the system overall design, selection of related devices, software and hardware design and the upper machine design, main work on hardware and software design. First in accordance with the technical features of the system, using the rich hardware resources and AT89C51 microprocessor as the core chip, supplemented by other chips and peripheral circuit, and completed the hardware design of monitoring system. System realizes the power supply module design, provide the main power supply and standby power supply in two ways, at the same time completed the Ethernet module, storage circuit, bus interface module design. Through the performance comparison of all kinds of meteorological sensors, the choice accords with index system technology and stable and reliable meteorological sensors, designed the lightning protection anti-jamming interface circuit principle diagram.
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