    针对静止与运动目标调频定距测速原理的研究,得知多普勒信号在运动目标定距测速过程中的重要性。本课题针对运动目标,深入研究了多普勒滤波器的设计方法,利用matlab和Quartus II软件仿真,并加载到FPGA硬件电路中。FPGA,即现场可编程门阵列,作为专用集成电路(ASIC)领域中的一种半定制电路,它既解决了定制电路的不足,又克服了原有可编程器件门电路数有限的缺点。同时,由于发射信号选为三角波线性调频信号,所以对利用DDS设计三角波的方法做了简单介绍。
    关键词  差频分析,多普勒滤波,FPGA ,DDS,IP核
    Title    Doppler Filter Design Based on FPGA                     
      With the development of science and technology, the technology in range/speed measurement radar has made great progress,and the FM ranging method is widely used.The transmit of FM ranging radar with great ranging accuracy is persisten wave whose frequency changes according to the modulation signal.The target echo delay time is proportional to the frequency difference of the echo signal and the transmit signal.
       When the target is standstill, the spectrum line of the frequency differency subject only to the distance information modulation, which is easy to analyse. However, when the target motion, the spectral lines will change with the effect of doppler frequency. Every harmonic place spectrum line disappears ,and the doppler frequency that has a different frequency of fd  takes place.The difference frequency turns out to be modulated not only by distance information,but also the information of speed,which makes the difference frequency more complex.Thus in order to analyze the distance and velocity of the target,we must extract the doppler frequency.
       According to the research of the static and moving targets,we know the importance of doppler frequency in measuring the distance and speed of the target. Aiming at the moving target, this research focuses mainly on doppler filter design methods, with simulation of matlab and Quartus II software , and the loading platform of FPGA. As a special integrated circuits (ASIC) in the field of a half a custom circuit, FPGA,the field programmable gates array,can resolve the shortcomings of the designed circuit and overcome the limited number of gate of the original programmable device.Also, because the signal transmitted is triangle wave linear frequency modulation signal, the method of DDS design of triangle wave is also introduced.
  1. 上一篇:AT89C51单片机铁路沿线风速雨量采集方法设计
  2. 下一篇:基于FPGA的数字相关器设计仿真
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