    信息时代,卫星导航定位技术发展迅速,应用范围愈来愈广。而高精度天线作为卫星导航接收机的重要组成部分,它的性能如何直接关系到卫星导航接收机测量精度的大小。天线的相位中心变化和多径效应是高精度卫星导航测量系统中显著误差来源 。 本文针对高精度卫星导航天线的需求 , 设计了一种工作在北斗导航系统的单频微带天线。并用仿真软件 HFSS 对其进行了优化。本文首先回顾了微带天线的发展史,介绍了它的定义、结构、及辐射原理,然后给出了微带天线的几种分析方法。并介绍了微带天线圆极化的原理和实现方法以及微带天线的馈电方式。然后 ,借助于 HFSS 对天线性能进行了数值仿真 , 设计出单频圆极化微带天线,该天线采用多馈点技术及其匹配网络。利用多馈点技术使微带天线相位中心更稳定,在宽角度内实现了圆极化。最后,对系统整机测试 结果包括的 S11 、轴比 、 方向图等参数 进行分析 。 通过对比仿真值和实测值,发现馈电网络的引入使得带宽拓宽,而轴比因天线贴片不规则、匹配等可能的原因呈现出较差的性能。增益则由于馈电网络的引入下降了很多,通过耦合理论的分析,本文对这一现象提出了一些分析与看法。59553
    毕业论文关键词 微带天线 圆极化 多馈 高精度
    Title Research on high precision navigation antenna
    Abstract The satellite navigation and positioning technology is developing rapidlyin this information expansion age and also applied in more and more widefield.As an important part of satellite navigation receiver,theperformance of high-precision measurement antennas is derectly related tothe measurement accuracy of satellite navigation receiver.Antenna phasecenter variations and multipath are significant measurement errorsources in high-precision satellite navigation system.In order to meet torequirements of antennas with the high-precision measurements,in thispaper,single-frequency microstrip antenna has been designed and optimizedby simulation software of HFSS.Firstly, The paper reviews microstrip antennas's history and introducesits definition, structure and the p rinciple of radiation , then microstripantennas's several analysis methods have been given . Secondly, theprinciple and the realization of the microstrip antennas ’ circularpolarization as well as the microstrip antennas's feed methods are alsointroducted. Afterwards,a signal-frequency circularly polarizedmicrostrip antenna which adopts four-fed point technique and feed-networkis designed with the help of simulation of HFSS.The multi-fed pointtechnique makes the microstrip antenna phase center more stable andachieves the circular polarization in the wide-angle. Lastly,the technicalindexes of return loss , axial ratio and pattern are analyz ed.Bycomparing the simulation value and the m easured value , it ’ s found that the feed - network broade ns the bandwidth, while the axial ratio show spoor performance because of the i rregular shape of the antenna., matchingand other possible reasons. The gain has dropped a lot due to the feed -network and by the coupling theory, the paper puts forward some analysisand comment on this phenomenon.
    Key words microstrip antenna circular polarization multi-fedhigh-precision

    目 次

    1 引言(或绪论 )   1

    1.1 研究背景  1

    1.2 国内外研究动态  1

    1.3 本文内容安排  2

    2 微带天线基本知识   3

    2.1 微带天线定义和结构  3

    2.2 微带天线工作原理    4

    2.3 微带天线馈电方式  5

    2.4 微带天线主要分析方法  6

    2. 5 腔模理论  6

    3 微带天线圆极化   1 1

    3.1 圆极化波的性质  1 1

    3.2 圆极化天线的参数  1 2

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