


      第三章分析了Helmholtz方程弱形式与端口模式展开结合求解任意结构端口微波网络S参数方案,并对在此理论基础下的Galerkin加权余量法、广义散射矩阵法及Jin-Fa Lee方法进行分析。本章最后还针对GSM方法进行了解析激励和数值激励的离散化工作。




    毕业论文关键词  S参数,有限元/模式展开,完全匹配层,广义散射矩阵


    Title   Study on finite element method analysis of waveguide structure parameters of S                                   

    Abstract Microwave wave tub is one of the most important equipments,which is one kindof high power,high gain and broad-band microwave millimeter wave amplifiers

       Chapter II introduced the vector finite element method theory and the simulation ofthe arbitrary shaped waveguide filled with anisotropic dielectric and the calculation ofthe three-dimensional resonant cavity eigenvalue..Finally,this chapter described the wave port boundarycondition which is widely used in S parameter simulation.

       Chapter III analyzed the weak form of Helmholtz equation and the port modematch method in S parameter simulation which contains the Galerkin weighted residualmethod,the generalized scattering matrix method and the Jin-Fa Lee method.Latterparts of this chapter introduced the GSM formulation discretization. 

       Chapter IV briefly introduced meshing,edge labeling and matrix solving.

       Chapter V emphasized on the analysis of the results about the algorithms whichincludes two-dimension and three-dimension eigenvalue computation module and Sparameters computation module..In the S parameters computation module,generalized scattering matrix method was used.Through the computation of theormalized admittance matrix with the normalized voltage and the normalized current,the microwave network S-parameter matrix can be got easily.According to thecomparison with the calculation result from HFSS,the accuracy of such algorithmsmentioned in this paper has been verified.

       Chapter VI summarized and concluded the whole dissertation.Further researchissues and possible research directions were pointed out.

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