



    毕业论文关键字:智能家居  物联网  无线通信  智能监控

    The design of smart home based on Internet of things

    Abstract With the continuous improvement of the current era of economic level as well as the Internet technology comprehensive promotion and application, people for life quality requirements are also increasing year by year, generally speaking, safe, convenient, comfortable and relaxed is common people's life goals. In recent years, people’s requirements for the family living conditions have changed a lot, smart home will become more and more people love, more and more dependent on the advanced residential.

    In this paper, the development of smart home and application prospects were introduced and studied. Among them, the focus of the Internet of things smart home design of wireless communication technology. Then, based on the LEACH algorithm, the application design of the related technology of the Internet of things is analyzed and studied. Wireless intelligent monitoring system uses the microcontroller NRF24L01 and RF communication chip STC12C5A60S2. Through for the electronic system, induction system, micro control system, serial interface circuit, communication subsystem, alarm subsystem, display subsystem and the key subsystem hardware design, and system main flow, node software function, gateway software function, low power consumption LEACH algorithm, the completion of the smart home development and utilization.

    Key words: Smart home  The Internet of things  Wireless communication   Intelligent  monitoring

    目 录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    图清单 V

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 智能家居的发展及应用前景 1

    1.2 课题的目的和意义 1

    1.3 课题研究的内容 2

    2 智能家居无线监控系统设计 3

    2.1 智能家居环境无线监控系统简介 4

    2.2 总体方案设计 6

    3 系统硬件电路 9

    3.1 节点硬件结构与芯片选型 9

    3.2 硬件原理图 11

    4 系统软件实现 19 

    4.1 系统主流程 19

    4.2 节点软件功能

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