
    摘  要打铃器在我们生活很常见,在学校上下课提醒方面,打铃器必不可少。另外,在公司、工厂这些公告场合中,打铃器确实的不可或缺的工具,它能够按时提示人们时间,起到定时的作用。因此,本次设计的打铃器对我们的生活来说很实用,很有发展前景。70405




    毕业论文关键词:   FPGA    设计流程   仿真

    The school bell device design based on FPGA

    Abstract Ringer is very common in our daily life, in the school class remind, bell is essential. In addition, in factories and companies in the public, ringer indeed indispensable tool. It can on due presentation time people, play a role in the timing. Therefore, the bell of this design is very useful for our life.

    In this design, I use the method based on FPGA design and chip mainly used is the device EP3C25F324C8, the chip can be very good control of the clock timing and start and stop, easy to operate, after repeated contrast, the chip is the best choice.

    This paper detailed describes the process of design and Simulation of the process, the chip and tools also made a detailed introduction, that is, the characteristics and methods of use. In addition, the overall structure and function and principle of the system are summarized, and the purpose of the selected topic and its development prospects are also explained. Ringer application is increasingly persifying, and our life has become increasingly inseparable from it. Therefore, sparring bells for perse functions of research has great significance and prospect.

    Key words: FPGA   design flow   simulation

    目    录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    图清单 V

    1  绪 论 1

    1.1  选题目的及背景 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 1

    1.3  基本内容 2

    2  FPGA的简介 3

    2.1  FPGA芯片介绍 3

    2.2  FPGA的特点和应用 3

    2.3  QuartusII的简介和使用步骤 4

    2.4  硬件描述语言Verilog HDL介绍 4

    3  基于FPGA学校打铃器的设计 6

    3.1  概述 6

    3.2  设计方案分析和选择 6

    3.3  学校打铃器的总体构成 6

    3.4  系统功能描述 7

    3.5  系统工作原理 7

    4  模块设计部分 9

    4.1  分频模块

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