



    毕业论文关键词: 单片机  豆芽机  恒温控制  自动浇水  温度传感器  可遥控 

    The design of the multifunctional bean sprouts machine can be remote control

    Abstract Purchase is a very popular vegetable in China, it has very high nutrition value, all the year round can grow edible, has been popular in the market. Due to the market sales of bean sprouts exists great potential safety hazard, various hormones and additives, greatly influenced people's health, to eat healthy and green bean sprouts or should start from their own, so I think we should design a multi-function bean sprouts machine.

    This paper mainly discusses the multifunctional bean sprouts machine design based on single chip microcomputer system working principle and design process. This design mainly by the single chip microcomputer pic16f877 as control components, in accordance with the requirements for cultivating system of bean sprouts machine work reasonably choose function of peripheral components. At the same time, the design of bean sprouts machine innovation is that it can be remote control technology ,Multifunctional bean sprouts machine work content mainly include regular sprinkler, temperature control and complete the scheduled work time remind, etc., its working parameters should satisfy the conditions for the growth of bean sprouts, on the basis of this can set up a few more working parameter set, increase the bean sprouts machine yogurt production and the function of rice wine production, as well as user-defined mode function, etc., thus to the disadvantage of single bean sprouts machine function. Using the knowledge learned the MCU, complete the reset circuit, power circuit, components of circuit design work, and in complete control circuit design based on single chip microcomputer program writing, compile decoding, error correction process to improve the microcontroller program.

    Key Words:  Single chip microcomputer  Bean sprouts machine  Temperature control  Automatic watering  temperature sensor  Can remote control 

    目 录

    摘 要 I

    Abstract II

    目 录 III

    1 绪论 1

    1.1  市场背景 1

    1.2  设计意义 1

    1.3  豆芽机发展前景

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