
    1.2 The Purpose and Significance of the Study 4

    1.3 Structure of the Thesis 4

    2. Literature Review 6

    2.1 The New Kind of Users of Online Dictionary 6

    2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Dictionary 6

    2.3 Translation Practice and Online Dictionary 6

    2.4 Cognitive Process 7

    3. Methodology and Research Design 8

    3.1 Research Objective 8

    3.2 Research Subject 8

    3.3 Instrument and Procedure 8

    3.3.1 Research Tools 8

    3.3.2 Data Collection 8

    4. Data Analysis and Discussion 10

    4.1 the current situation of online dictionary used by students 10

    4.2 Advantages and disadvantages of online dictionary for students in translation from the perspective of the cognitive process 10

    4.2.1 Advantages and disadvantages of online dictionary for students in the process of getting an online dictionary 10 Advantages 10 Disadvantages 11

    4.2.2 Advantages and disadvantages of online dictionary for students in the process of finding information of a word 11 Advantages 11 Disadvantages 12

    4.2.3 Advantages and disadvantages of online dictionary for students in the process of analyzing and choosing suitable information of a word 14 Advantages 14 Disadvantages 15

    4.3 Other advantages and disadvantages of online dictionary for students in the process of translation 15

    4.3.1 Other advantages 15

    4.3.2 Other disadvantages 16

    4.4 Analysis on the special phenomenon of data 17

    4.5 Summary 18

    5. Conclusion 19

    5.1 Major Findings 19

    5.2 Suggestion for effectively using online dictionary 19

    References 21

    Appendix 22

    1. Introduction

    1.1 Research Background

    According to the requirements of syllabus for English major college students, now college students have various chances to practice translating exercises. In TEM8, translation accounts for 20%. For non-English major ones, in CET4/6, translation accounts for 5%. Practically, students, especially English major students, has scheduled translating courses, and non-English major students also have translating exercise time in their English courses. 

    Besides, as the Chinese economy has been globalized and developed, there are more and more international co-operations in which translators or interpreters are needed. Therefore, there are more than 150 universities opening the Master of Translation and Interpreting course, and a great number of students choose to go further study for translation and then engage in translating work. 

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