
    2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Dictionary

    As online dictionary was developed, many scholars paid more attention to features or advantages and disadvantages of it, from the perspective of this product itself, such advantages as perse retrieval mode, content updated in time, abundant information and resources, multimedia assisted technology, personal services(Wang Xianhong;2009), and freely using, easily accessing to it(Chenke;2004).

    When more users used to choose an online dictionary, various topics can be focused on, from advantages and disadvantages of online dictionary itself to those for different users. For example, in the article Research on Current Use of Electrical Dictionary(including online dictionary) by College Students, written by Denglin(2004), it didn’t simply show strengths and weaknesses to readers, instead first compare electrical dictionary with traditional one, and then conclude the students’ preference as well as advantages and disadvantages under this comparison. 

    Besides, in the paper Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Dictionary in English Study, written by Zhu Aihua(2009), it has touched upon that online dictionary will have good or bad effects on learning words, reading, writing or translating. The obvious point is that its main purpose is to know good or bad aspects of online dictionary from its using purposes like using in reading.  

    According to the previous researches, we can generally know advantages and disadvantages of online dictionary and ones of it from different aspects. However, as online dictionary is being further improved, and more students in China engage in translation, advantages and disadvantages of online dictionary for college students in translation will a new researching topic. So this paper will touch upon advantages and disadvantages of online dictionary for a new group of students in specific area --translation(including translating exercises).  

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