毕业论文关键词:昆仑仙境 ; 蓬莱仙境; 两大仙境的异同
Introduction to the kunlun, penglai fairyland and its practical significance
Myth is the product of human primitive life and primitive belief. The ancient ancestors of nature and self reflection of cognition and imagination is, and with the wings of imagination formed with a non conscious artistic processing of philosophy and the view of the universe. Gu Jiegang, a famous legend, thinks that the Chinese mythology is composed of two parts, the myth of Kunlun and the myth of Penglai. While Kunlun and Penglai are two of the most important place in the myth of paradise. The myth of Kunlun was formed in the northwest, the Penglai myth appeared on the east coast, with the western and eastern regional cultural characteristics, respectively. China fairyland paradise myth by geographical environment, historical tradition and ideology influence and restriction. Two Wonderland paradise has obvious similarities and differences. Mythology fairyland paradise seemingly wispy unreal and can not touch, however the fairyland paradise for our reconstruction of poetic home has a certain instructive.
Key Words: Mythology system; Kunlun wonderland; Penglai fairyland ; The similarities and differences between two wonderland
目 录
二、昆仑、蓬莱仙境的形成及特征 1
(二) 昆仑、蓬莱两大仙境的趋同性-6
昆仑仙境处于西北,蓬莱仙境处于东部沿海地区,带有不同的地域文化特征,有诗云“昆仑之高有积雪,蓬莱之远常遗寒”, 可见昆仑和蓬莱两大仙境的神秘和季候特征。尽管昆仑和蓬莱仙境在景观、地理位置以及描述上有所不同,但是它们同属于仙境乐土范畴,有许多相似和共同之处。昆仑和蓬莱两大仙境不仅在神话体系中具有重大意义,在现实生活中也具有着及其巨大的价值。人们依据仙境中光怪陆离的描述对生活现实中林园进行建造,从而把幻想中的仙境搬进生活。
何为是神话?这是神话学家们一直在讨论的问题。著名学者矛盾曾在书中说过:一切没有标明作者并且无稽无稽荒唐的故事,并不一定是神话;一切关于描述原始先民对神鬼迷信的故事,这些也并不一定都可以称为神话。 那么神话是什么?我们大致可以这样定义神话:神话是一种故事,一种在原始先民生活中流行的故事,它所描述的内容都是一些人力所不能及但神可为乎的处事行为,这类故事看似无稽荒唐,但是远古人民却口口相传,并且信以为真。