


    毕业论文关键词: 半导体器件物理;网络平台;网络授课;网络学习;资源共享

    Design of network platform based on the construction of physics course of semiconductor device

    Abstract: The semiconductor device physics is not only an important professional basic course for microelectronics, electronic science and technology specialities, but also a theoretical and practical basis of the applied technical personnel necessary for emerging industries in the application type undergraduate colleges and universities. This course is a transition course that connects the properties of materials and device applications, and has an important basic position in the knowledge structure of the emerging industry application technology talents. This study is based on the semiconductor device physics key curriculum construction project in Shanghai Applied Technology Institute. The aim of this study is to create a more conducive to students outside of the classroom learning, stimulate interest and the communication between teachers and students of the network platform, according to the characteristics of semiconductor devices physics course.

         Making subject platform website is a complicated work, since the formal production link began after the long time of data collection, as well as tools to learn. Based on the entire semiconductor network platform for the full range of needs analysis, the necessary demand of the teacher-student interaction were listed, then the appearance of the entire site, navigation, structure and function of the comprehensive were designed and optimized. Additionally, the site meets daily use, and it should provide convenient and be clear and beautiful at the same time. In addition to the optimization of the resolution compatibility of the site, the network platform strives to make the users of different carriers get a good experience. Moreover, this network platform integrates the home for three courses of the semiconductor physics, the LED experiment and computer aided optical design, thus provides a convenient for the comprehensive development of the following platform.

    Key words: semiconductor device physics; network platform; network teaching; network learning; resource sharing


    摘要 i

    Abstract ii

    目录 iii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 引言 1


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