



    毕业论文关键词:图像清晰  直方图均衡化  Retinex


    Title      CCD demisting Algorithm   


    As the case of fog low image contrast, image resolution is not high, given people's production and life has brought a serious impact.

    At present, for foggy image enhancement mainly from the following two aspects. One is the reason for the departure from the image degradation, establish atmospheric models, so that the image is restored . Another is to enhance image contrast from the traditional way, without regard to the cause of image degradation, but enhance the image contrast, to facilitate observation of the human eye.

    This article from the perspective of enhancing image contrast, analysis of the commonly used methods of contrast enhancement.And the currently popular Retinex algorithm for the simulation and summary. Firstly, the paper analyzes the histogram for ways to improve the contrast, including contrast stretching, global histogram equalization, local histogram equalization, POSHE algorithm, and the processed image are compared with before treatment. Retinex algorithm then analyzes,including single-scale (SSR) and multi-scale (MSR) algorithm. After comparison and analysis, Retinex algorithm has a better treatment effect.

    Keywords   Image clarity   Histogram equalization  Retinex

    目 次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景和研究目的和意义 1

    1.2 国内外发展现状 2

    1.2.1 基于图像增强的雾天降质图像清晰化技术研究现状 2

    1.2.2 基于模型复原的雾天降质图像清晰化研究现状 3

    1.3本论文的章节安排 4

    2  传统的图像增强算法 5

    2.1概述 5

    2.2 对比度拉伸 5

    2.3 线性变换 6

    2.4 分段线性变化 6

    2.5 非线性变化 7

    2.6 直方图修正 9

    2.6.1 灰度直方图 9

    2.6.2 直方图均衡化 9

    2.6.3 直方图规定化 11

    2.6.4 局部直方图均衡化 11

    2.6.5 POSHE算法 13

    2.6.6 插值自适应直方图均衡化 17

    2.7 同态滤波 19

    3  Retinex算法

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