

    毕业论文关键词  共轭差分干涉,干涉图处理,波面复原,傅里叶变换,FFT算法


    Title          Numerical reconstruction of   optical surfaces                

    Abstract There are several problems in optics that involve the reconstruction of surfaces such as wavefronts, reflectors,and lenses. The reconstruction problem often leads to a system of first-order differential equations for the unknown surface. We compare several numerical methods for integrating differential equations of this kind. One class of methods involves a direct integration. It is shown that such a technique often fails in practice. We thus consider one method that provides an approximate direct integration; we show that it is always converging and that it provides a stable, accurate solution even in the presence of measurement noise. In addition, we consider a number of methods that are based on converting the original equation into a minimization problem.

    Keywords  reconstruction, wavefronts, differential equations wavefront recovery, direct integration, FFT algorithm

    1  引言 1

    1.1  课题的研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  本课题主要研究的内容与工作 2

    2  多种重建方法的介绍[1] 3

    2.1  泽尼克函数法 3

    2.2  多路径一体化法[11] 3

    2.3  有限差分法 4

    2.4  直接最小化法[12] 4

    2.5  傅里叶变换法 5

    3  傅里叶变换法与差分共轭干涉[14] 6

    3.1 横向剪切干涉介绍 6

    3.2 差分干涉原理 7

    3.3 共轭差分干涉原理 8

    3.4 傅里叶变换原理[12,13] 9

    3.4 快速傅里叶变换程序及框架图 11

    4 实际光学表面测试 17

    4.1 斐索干涉仪简介[14] 17

    4.2 斐索型干涉仪发展现状[14] 17

    4.3 GPIXP型号的Zygo干涉仪介绍 18

    5 用matlab对数据进行仿真 21

    5.1  Zygo数据来源及处理 21

    5.3  仿真结果分析 22

    6  全文总结 23

    6.1  所做的工作与预期的对比 23

    6.2  有待研究和解决的问题

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