        关键词: 认知风格;场独立/依存;英语口语
    Abstract Since the 1970s the focus of language teaching object is gradually changing, from the teacher to the student. Scholars find that the learner's inpidual factors have important influence on second language acquisition, and have a wide range of research on the learners' personal factors that influence the second language acquisition .This paper intends to explore that the field independence and field dependence influence on the second language acquisition, especially for the influence on the college students' oral English.
    The earliest research and discovery of the field independent and field dependent cognitive style is the American psychologist witken(1948), who points out that the field independent model refers to the inpidual in processing information, rely on internal reference, from one's own perception to acquire knowledge or information. On the contrary, the dependent type of inpiduals, they rely on the surrounding environment.
    These two types of cognitive styles can be trained to help language learners study the second language acquisition easily.
    This thesis has five chapters. Chapter one is the introduction, which includes the background of the study, the significant of the study. Chapter two is the literature review, which mainly includes field-independence and field-dependence, influence of FI/D on oral English. Chapter three is the procedures, which includes subjects, instruments. Chapter four is the results and discussion. Chapter five is the conclusion, which is a summary of the major consequence of the study.
    Key words: cognitive style; field-independence/dependence; oral English
    The Effects of FID Cognitive Style on College English Speaking Proficiency
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
      1.1 Background of the Study    1
      1.2 Significance of the Study    2
    II. Theoretiacl foundation    3
     2.1 Field-independence and Field-dependence.    3
      2.1.1 Definition of Cognitive Style    3
      2.1.2 Concept of Field-independence and Field-dependence    4
      2.1.3 Measurements of FI and FD    4
     2.2 Influence of FI/D on Oral English    5
      2.2.1 FI/D and Second Language Acquisition    5
      2.2.2 FI/D and Learning Strategies    6
    III. Procedures    8
     3.1 Subjects    8
     3.2 Instruments    8
      3.2.1 Group Embedded Figures Test    8
      3.2.2 Oral English Examination    9
    IV. Result and Discussion    9
    V.Conclusion    11
    Bibliography    12
    Acknowledgements    13
    I. Introduction
        Over the last quarter of the twentieth century, the English language teaching profession has undergone many changes. That is to say,the focus of the English language teaching has changed from the teacher to the student,from how to teach to how to learn,from teacher-centered pattern to student-centered pattern. So it is important for the researchers to notice the inpidualized study, which means that every student has his or her own learning style. Learning style is closely to the cognitive style. And there are two types of cognitive style, field-independence and field-dependence. After knowing the advantages and disadvantages of the students’cognitive style in language learning, researchers can take right steps towards  their learning strategies, improve their learning efficiency, and achieve ideal learning effects,
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