    摘 要随着改革开放的不断深入和国际交往的日益增加,英语作为一种国际语言已成为二十一世纪人们不可缺少的工具,促进世界的沟通与合作。作为基础教育的基础,少儿英语教学越来越受到人们的关注和重视并且得到了蓬勃的发展。然而,在现实中,少儿英语教学活动有好有坏,其结果不是很理想。为了提高少儿英语教学效果,促进儿童的发展,本文研究了儿童的心理和生理特征,教学原则和策略,对少儿英语教学和进一步发展的影响因素,从而使少儿英语学习有进一步的发展。31670
    With the increasing continuous depth of reform and opening-up and the increasing width of international communication, English, which is an international language, has become an indispensable tool by which people of the twenty-first century can develop world-wild communication and cooperation. As the foundation of elementary education, children’s English teaching has become more concerned and emphasized and has been vigorously developing. However, in reality, children English teaching activities are some good and some bad, and the results are not very idealistic. For the purpose of increasing the effectiveness of the children’s English teaching and promoting the children’s development, this thesis has made a study on the children’s characteristics of their psychology and physiology, teaching principles and strategies, affecting factors and further development of children’s English teaching.
    Key words: children; English teaching; classroom
    Analysis of Children’s English Teaching in the Classroom
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II.Children’s physiological and psychological characteristics and English learning    2
    III. Important teaching principle    4
    3.1 Expanding teaching space    4
    3.2 Interactive communication    5
    3.3 Collaboration conversation    5
    3.4 Being an active participants    6
    3.5 Input of new knowledge    7
    3.6 Clear goal and meaningful activities    7
    3.7 Cultivation of independence    8
    3.8 Learning environment    8
    IV. Strategies of English classroom teaching of children    9
    4.1 Enlivening atmosphere strategy    9
    4.1.1 Object method    9
    4.1.2 Story method    10
    4.1.3 Game method    10
    4.1.4 Presentation method    11
    4.2 Enlightenment strategy    11
    4.3 Emotion strategy    12
    4.3.1 Creating positive emotional surroundings to arouse interest    13
    4.3.2 Evaluating properly to encourage students    13
    4.4 Designing teaching process strategy    14
    V. Analysis of some characteristics of children’s English teaching    15
    VI. Conclusion    17
    Bibliography    18
    I. Introduction
    With the increasing international exchanges, nearly the whole society becomes more urgent to the needs of people who have a good master of English. Therefore, English is becoming more and more important. Many adults, even a lot of children take part in the practice of English learning by the way of learning at school or social training class. However, the results of children’s English learning are not ideal and the problems exposed in English teaching also arouse great concern. So this paper will, emphatically from the perspective of children’s English teaching, analysis the characteristics of children’s English teaching in the classroom with the purpose of improving children’s English learning efficiency.
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