    Data Analysis 14

    4.1.1 Data Analysis of Post-test 14

    4.1.2 Result of Interview 16

    4.2 Discussion 16

    5. Conclusion 18

    5.1 Conclusion 18

    5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research 18

    References 20

    The Application of Phonics in English Pronunciation and Spelling for Primary School Students

    1. Introduction

    1.1 Background of the Study

    Since 1999, China has started the selective primary school English teaching from rural areas to urban areas in order to adapt to the situation of globalization. At the 17th session of National People's Congress, some representatives proposed that learning English in primary school was a waste of time and should be reconsidered. This social phenomenon indicates that our English teaching, especially the primary school English teaching, has been a controversy. Meanwhile, class teaching itself in primary school English have many problems, such as formalized and insufficient content. As a result, students cannot learn anything after busy forty minutes. Teachers emphasize students' listening and speaking ability, but neglect the cultivation of reading and writing. They pay little attention on the phonetic penetration. They only focus on the meaning and usage of a word but ignore the importance of helping students remember new words effectively . All these result in the boring and difficult learning. 

        For English learners, pronunciation and spelling of words is the core and foundation for the English spoken and written forms. Thus correct pronunciation and spelling of words are the requirements for the expression of thoughts.

        The lower-grade students are required to read 26 English letters correctly, to master simple spelling rules, and to know how to learn vocabulary according to sounds, forms and meanings. Therefore, the past "pure interest" teaching mode should be changed. Some effective and scientific teaching methods should be adopted to cultivate students' interest and improve the students' English integrated language skills. Phonics method is one of methods used in English teaching. Phonics is popular in English native speaking countries such as the UK and the USA, and it is mainly used to help native speakers improve their written language. Phonics presents the letter-sound relationships of English words, so it has the potential to improve learner’s both pronunciation and spelling ability . 

    Therefore, the author points up a hypothesis that phonics method can be suitable for English Teaching in lower-grade in primary school. Phonics can effectively promote students' interest in English learning. Meanwhile, students can learn English vocabulary easily and improve their pronunciation and spelling ability.

    1.2 Objectives of Study

    Using the phonics as the vocabulary teaching method, the study tries to set up a vocabulary teaching model to help students learn English more effectively and independently. The new method is based on the children’s characteristic to build the new way of vocabulary teaching and is different from the traditional teaching method. The goal of this method is to increase the children’s interests in learning English. 

    In order to achieve this goal, an experiment involving Chinese third graders is designed. Based on purposes mentioned above, the author listed two research questions of this thesis to be answered foremost: 

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