


    Abstract:  Life oriented education can make students of all kinds of wonderful food phenomenon and feelings, fundamentally enrich their emotional experience and emotional experience. But also from the students' actual life and learning, to the selection of teaching content and teaching methods, so as to achieve the purpose of broadening the students' vision and experience. According to the new curriculum standards of music analysis, music education in the teaching activities should be to cultivate aesthetic perception ability of students, which enriches the aesthetic emotion, and further understand the meaning of aesthetic imagination, so as to ensure the continuously improve students' aesthetic ability. The music teacher in order to ensure the smooth progress of education and teaching, to integrate into the life of color more in the teaching work, close to life, into life, fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of students learning music, to ensure the quality of teaching and music education can constantly improve and develop, promote the effect of teaching ideas of quality education continues to expand.

    Key words: music education,life;,teaching method;,teaching effect

    目  录

    1  前言  ………………………………………………………………3

    2  音乐教育生活化以及特点分析  …………………………………3

    2. 1  音乐教育生活化含义 …………………………………………3

    2. 2  音乐教育生活化特征探讨 ……………………………………3

    2. 2. 1  音乐性  ……………………………………………………3

    2. 2. 2  过程性  ……………………………………………………4

    2. 2. 3  生活性  ……………………………………………………4

    2. 2. 4  整合性  ……………………………………………………4

    2. 2. 5  游戏性  ……………………………………………………4

    3  音乐教育生活化作用………………………………………………4

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