    毕业论文关键词: 展示空间气氛、情感效果、色彩感觉、灯光感觉
    The Perfect Fusion of Exhibition Space With the Product
    ---ZUOYOU Sofa Exhibition Hall Design

    Abstract: The furniture is very important in the development process in humans, it could even represent humanity's development speed and level, but also an important part of the daily life of the people of the indoor space, furniture, advancing with the times is an important means to demonstrate personal taste, there are a lot of ways people obtain information now, and show activity is to provide the most information from multi angle to the people, multi platform, and in the display activities, how to create a perfect show atmosphere and highlight the characteristics of products has become a prerequisite talent showing itself from competitors in the exhibition hall, store environment design is particularly important at the moment.
    In this paper, the characteristics of brand culture products around the sofa and market positions at home and abroad, as well as the brand used in the commercial display in the display mode of expression, combined with comparative analysis research related brand sofa shows the domestic and abroad, in order to shape the show space environment atmosphere sense of color, light feeling, the emotional effect discussion. The emotional effect of light furniture exhibition hall and the role of the environment in which the furniture gives a person, so design can fully demonstrate the characteristics of the hall around the sofa.

    Keywords: Display space atmosphere , Emotional effect, Color feeling ,Light feeling        

    一、绪论    4
    (一)研究的目的与意义    4
    (二)国内外研究的背景及发展情况    4
    1.国外发展情况    4
    2.国内发展情况    5
    二、左右沙发的品牌文化    5
    三、左右沙发展厅的真实案例    5
    (一)2014深圳展,和左右沙发一起畅想桃花源    5
    (二)2014深圳展,波洛克带您进入欧洲小镇静享自由美式时光    6
    四、营造展示空间气氛所需要的的信息形态    6
    (一)展示空间的形态    6
    (二)展示空间的布局    7
    (三)展示空间的灯光    7
        1.用灯光分割空间    7
        2.用灯光塑造形态    8
        3.用灯光装饰空间    8
    (四)展示空间的色彩    8
    五、左右沙发展厅设计创意方案介绍    8
    (一)左右沙发自身定位在商业展示中可被运用和提炼的元素    8
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