    留守儿童亲子留言板设计摘要:随着留守儿童问题越来越多的引起了社会各界人士的重视,市面上相继出现了一些与留守儿童产品。但这些产品不但价格昂贵,且使用普遍性较弱。把设计留守儿童亲子留言板作为毕业设计的课题, 不止是为了改善留守儿童现状, 更希望克服现有产品价格昂贵、使用不普遍等问题。故此将留言板定义为一款针这对性强、使用方便、成本低、使用广、有社会意义的校园公共设施。本文主要是在留守儿童各种调查中展现留守儿童现状和需求,在充分了解了留守儿童学习、生活、生理和心理等各方面详情后,再从各个角度对留守儿童进行分析,总结其生活环境和心理特点,最后根据以上所得结果进行产品定位。设计旨在为留守儿童与其父母建立沟通的桥梁,告别漫长的等待生活,营造一个充满关爱的成长氛围。其使用场地定位于校园,希望提高孩子学习积极性,并从一定程度上减少留守儿童辍学率,提高受教育程度,这对国家和留守儿童家庭个人都有及其重要的意义。39658
    The design of Message board for Left-behind childern
    Abstract: As the problem of left behind children more and more attracted the attention of thecommunity, the market has appeared some of the left behind children products. But theseproducts are not only expensive, and the use of the universality is weak. Left behind children leftthe child message board as a topic of graduation design, not only to improve the status quo of leftbehind children, but also hope to overcome the existing product expensive, use is not universaland other issues. Therefore, the message board is defined as a needle which is strong, easy to use,low cost, wide use, social significance of the campus public facilities. This paper is mainly in leftbehind children of various survey show left behind Children Status and needs, in the fullunderstanding of the left behind children's learning, life, physical and mental aspects of thedetails, and from every angle of the left behind children were analyzed and summarize the livingenvironment and psychological characteristics. Finally, according to the above results for productpositioning. The purpose of the design is to build a bridge between the left behind children andtheir parents, bid farewell to the long waiting for life, and create a growing atmosphere of love.The use of site location on campus, hope to improve their learning enthusiasm, and from acertain extent reduce the left behind children drop out rate, improve the level of education, thecountries and left behind children family person has its important significance.
    Keywords: Left behind children; communication; school facilities; reducing dropout rate
    摘要. I
    Abstract. II
    目录. III
    1 前言. 1
    1.1 课题研究背景. 1
    1.2 留守儿童研究的目的和意义. 1
    1.3 留守儿童主要问题. 2
    2 研究方法和设计思路. 6
    2.1 研究方法 6
    2.1.1 产品市场调查. 6
    2.1.2 设计概念形成. 7
    2.1.3 产品工程图与三文建模. 7
    2.1.4 实物模型制作. 7
    2.1.5 后期整理. 8
    3 留守儿童设计调研和状态分析. 9
    3.1 设计调研. 9
    3.1.1 留守儿童的定义 9
    3.2 留守儿童现状分析. 9
    3.3 留守儿童亲子关系的特点. 11
    3.3 留守儿童产品设计要点. 12
    4.1 确定设计方向. 13
    4.2 设计定位. 14
    4.3 设计构思. 14
    4.4 草图. 15
    5 设计方案和分析. 18
    5.1 设计方案. 18
    5.1.1 效果图展示 18
    5.1.2 三视图(见附录二) 18
    5.1.3 实物模型 18
    5.2 方案分析. 19
    5.2.1 造型和功能分析 19
    5.2.2 色彩分析 20
    总结与展望. 21
    后记. 22
    参考文献. 23
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