


    The study of the relationship between Functional architecture and landscape

    Abstract: the complex construction of urban landscape improves gradually and the greening of urban landscape has received people’s attention either. In this modern metropolis made of concrete and steel, people are in the pursuit of a high level of living conditions. At the same time, they try to seek for a return to natural state. Landscape designers and architects create a unique environment of space by strengthening confrontation or harmonious relationship between the environmental elements and architectural space. Based on the analysis of several parks with different styles in Shanghai, this essay explores the relationship between functional architecture and landscape subjects in the environment and states that the waters, green lands, lighting facilities, sculptures, gardens and so on, they are not only the background of architectures, but also form a brand new community with functional architecture, and they will produce a new relationship between people and the environment created by them.

    Key words: functional architecture, environmental problem, landscape, architecture and the environment

    1. 绿地的功能性建筑的定义 3

    1.1. 绿地功能性建筑与绿地的融合 3

    1.1.1. 绿地功能性建筑融合性的意义 3

    2. 绿地中功能性建筑的规模分类 4

    2.1. 大体量绿地功能性建筑 4

    2.1.1. 大体量绿地功能性建筑的的现状 4

    2.1.2. 大体量绿地功能性建筑的主要矛盾 4

    2.2. 小体量绿地功能性建筑 4

    2.2.1. 小体量绿地功能性建筑的的现状 4

    2.2.2. 小体量绿地功能性建筑的主要矛盾 4

    3. 绿地功能性建筑融合性问题的解决方案 5

    3.1. 大体量绿地功能性建筑的解决方案 5

    3.1.1. 以建筑为景观设计的主体进行 5

    3.1.2. 利用自然地形与建筑流线进行衔接 5

    3.1.3. 建筑主体绿地化 5


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