    关键词  风电场  集电线路  保护整定  风机短路电流特征  低电压穿越
    Title    Research of wind power protective relay on the Collector line                     
    There are many wind turbines distributed in many Collector lines in the large-capacity wind farm.It makes the network of the collector lines become a complex network of more than one power. The access of wind turbines have an impact on the short-circuit current of the Collector lines.It maybe make the original protection configuration mistake or refuse to move. With the using of Matlab/Simulink,the system interconnected with wind farm under collector lines faults is dynamically simulated. Analyze the changes of the short circuit current,and make the setting calculation of its protection.Found of the insufficient of the original protection configuration.Consider and analyze the characteristics of short-circuit current of wind turbines. Make a proposal to improve protection configuration.And make the low voltage ride through parity. Finally,discusses the applicability of adaptive current protection.
    Keywords  wind farm  collector line  protection setting  characteristics of the short-circuit current of wind turbines   low voltage ride through
    目   次  
    1  绪论…1
    1.1  课题背景与研究方向 1
    1.2  课题任务和研究目的 1
    2  风机故障电流的特性分析  2
    2.1  风机短路电流波形… 2
    2.2  风机短路电流仿真… 2
    3  风电场对电网继电保护的影响 4
    3.1  含风电场的电网仿真建模与故障分析 4
    3.2  风电场集电线路保护整定计算… 15
    3.3  风机接入对集电线路短路电流的影响16
    4  风电场集电线路保护的改进方案…18
    4.1  电流速断保护改进…18
    4.2  限时电流速断保护…18
    4.3  定时限过电流保护…19
    5  风电场的低电压穿越校验 20
    5.1  低电压穿越的要求…20
    5.2  低电压穿越的校验…21
    6  自适应电流保护讨论  23
    6.1  自适应电流保护的原理  23
    6.2  自适应电流保护在风电场中的优越性23
    6.3  自适应电流保护在风电场中的应用难点  24
    结论 25
    致谢 26
    1  绪论
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