    摘要随着微电子技术的发展,嵌入式Linux的研究逐步成为当前最热门的方向之一。而LCD的显示在嵌入式产品中占据重要的地位,研究LCD显示驱动对嵌入式技术的发展具有极大的作用。因此,本文详细讲述了嵌入式Linux系统设备驱动程序的特点,分析了LCD和Framebuffer字符设备驱动程序的编写方法,研究了基于帧缓冲机制的LCD图形显示驱动的开发流程。以友善之臂的Tiny210开发板作为目标机,采用Red Hat Enterprise Linux作为开发平台,创建了研究和设计所需的环境。深入分析了嵌入式Linux程序的开发流程以及工作中遇到的问题及其解决方法。最后,在这个开发环境的支持下,采用模块化的编程思想,完成了相应功能函数的编写,并基于此完成了电能质量分析仪的界面设计。25455
    关键词  嵌入式Linux  Framebuffer  显示驱动程序  界面设计
    Title       The Design and Development of LCD Display    Divers Based on Framebuffer          
    With the development of microelectronics technology, the research of embedded Linux has gradually become one of the hottest current directions. The LCD displays occupy an important position in the embedded products. The research about LCD display drivers has great effect on the development of embedded technology. Therefore, the characteristics of device driver based on embedded Linux system  are described. The preparation method of LCD and Framebuffer character device driver is analyzed. The development process of LCD display drive based on Framebuffer mechanism is also studied. Using the development board of Friendly Arm’s Tiny210 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux creats the necessary environment for research and design. It analyzes the development process of embedded Linux application as well as the problems and their solutions encountered during the work. Finally, using modular programming ideas completes the preparation of the corresponding functions in support of the development environment. Based on this   the design of power quality analyzer interface is completed.
    Keywords  Embedded Linux  Framebuffer  Display Driver  Interface Design
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  嵌入式Linux驱动程序    1
    1.2  嵌入式LCD显示的发展    1
    1.3  Framebuffer技术    2
    2  嵌入式LCD显示驱动    3
    2.1  嵌入式LCD显示驱动方案比较    3
    2.2  驱动方案选择    4
    2.3  嵌入式Linux下字符设备驱动程序    5
    3  嵌入式Linux开发环境    6
    3.1  Red Hat Enterprise Linux简介    6
    3.2  交叉编译简介    6
    3.3  安装Red Hat Enterprise Linux    7
    3.4  Linux开发流程简介    8
    3.5  Linux下初期工作问题总结    9
    4  功能实现    12
    4.1  LCD上单点显示    12
    4.2  LCD上实虚线的实现    13
    4.3  LCD上圆环的实现    16
    4.4  中文汉字显示的实现    19
    4.5  界面设计    21
    结  论    23
    致  谢    24
    1  引言
    作为一种开放的操作系统,Linux的性能十分强大,数十年的发展使得它的应用已经慢慢囊括各个领域,由于其较快的运行速度,开放的源代码,可裁剪性和可移植性强,使其逐渐发展成为开发嵌入式产品的卓越的操作平台;同时,随着人们对于嵌入式产品的要求地提高,各种专用的图形化软件包也相继被开发出来;而开发和移植过程均需要底层LCD驱动的支持,因而,如何编写LCD显示驱动程序成为开发图形化界面的关键环节[ ]。
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