    关键词  汽车座椅  单片机 温度控制
    Title  Design of temperature control system for automobile seat            
    Due to the traditional mechanical equipment and technology in the automotive field application is more and more mature, there are lots of limitations to get further development. It is a common phenomenon to use the automobile electronic technology nowadays. Temperature control system for automobile seat suggests the temperature controllable heating system equipped with the cat seat. Users can adjust the aim temperature according to their own will. The system can automatically heat to the target temperature. The system lets people feel the warmth by car manufacturers. This will increase the competitiveness of the car manufacturers. According to the requirements of automotive temperature control system, this paper designed a system based on Single Chip Microcomputer to collect, drive and control. Combined with appropriate peripheral interface chip and sensors, it can collect and  display the temperature of automotive sea, drive the heating system work at the same time. When the temperature exceed the set temperature range, it will give an alarm by using the light.
    Keywords  automobile seat  Single-Chip Microcomputer  the temperature control
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究的背景、目的、意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    1
    1.3  论文的主要研究内容    2
    1.4  汽车座椅温度控制系统总体方案设计    2
    2  软硬件设计    2
    2.1  硬件方案与设计    2
    2.2  软件方案与设计    2
    3  电路设计    2
    3.1  单片机最小系统    2
    3.2  电源、下载和报警电路    2
    3.3  测温与显示电路    2
    3.4温度调节按钮    2
    3.5 整体电路图    2
    4  系统调试    2
    4.1  硬件调试    2
    4.2  软件调试    2
    4.3  本章小结    2
    结  论    2
    致  谢    2
    参考文献    2
    附录A  程序清单    2
    1  绪论
    1.1  课题研究的背景、目的、意义
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