    毕业论文关键词: 传感器  单片机  火灾报警  SIM卡
    Abstract In modern cities, there are a lot of tall buildings. People's lives become increasingly dependent on a variety of electronic products. However, there are many security issues.If a fire occurs, it is easy for people to suffer great personal and property damage. Home fire alarm system can prevent the occurrence of fire in time. It can send text messages to designated mobile phone in case of fire. It can remind the user to take actions to the fire. It will make the damage to a minimum.
    Microcontroller STC89C52 and A/D are used in this system. It has a computing speed, less susceptible to external environmental impact features. In the paper, the selection of MQ-2 smoke sensor enables detection of smoke signals. It converts an analog signal into a digital signal by A/D. Digital signals can be recognized by SCM.  DS18B20 can send the temperature signal which it has recognize to MCU. Both sensors can quickly detect the change in the signal. They are cheap and can be use a long time. This fire alarm system is suitable for home. When a fire occurs, it can achieve sound alarm, light alarm or select Manual alarm. When an error alarm occurs, the user can manually reset button, stop false alarms. At the same time, it increases the alarm mode selector switch. Users can then select an alarm when both sensors action. This can reduce the occurrence of false alarms case. Considering that when the user is not at home, there might also be a fire, the SIM is joined in this system. When the fire alarm detects a fire , the system alerts and send message to a mobile phone. So that when family members are not at home, they can also receive timely news . They can react as quickly as possible and make property losses to a minimum.
    Keywords:  Sensors  MCU  Fire alarm  SIM
    目  录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    1  概述    1
    1.1  行业背景和研究意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.3  论文的主要工作    3
    2  系统的硬件设计    5
    2.1  系统整体设计    5
    2.2  单片机最小系统    6
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